How about announcing some new programs to generate fan interest. Will she wait until the opening kickoff to announce stuff like that.
Have you heard of new ideas ? New hires usually bring those to a new organization? Well if she has any this is a perfect time to share some of that information! Email! Mailing! Personal Text Messages! etc. Even if people are on vacation PITT fans will atleast have some idea of whats to come. Why keep it a secret unless you dont have much to offer?
People make plans for September now.
I book all my home game hotels about 10 months ahead. Many aren't that prompt but if we're to increase attendance telling people about stuff in August or September is to late!
Getting back to the 2-3 yr comment. In our business a new top executive better be "killing it" in the first 3 months, certainly 6 months , or he or she doesnt get to stay 2-3 years.\
Sexism? It's just like all the other ism's for you losers! Its so easy to throw that stuff out since the " low information" posters bite on that stuff since many arent smart enough to think for themselves.
As I've said before I report to a C Suite woman the CFO, and 3 of my top five global directors are women. Fyi the C Suite female CFO is a 56 yr old single woman, never been married, smart, driven, great boss, GameCocks softball player, CPA, MBA, CMA, CEO material, impossible to keep up with, and we've worked together for ten years! Plus I've been married to a woman for 32 years who runs her own small media business and is very involved in helping younger women start businesses which I assist in too! Hate successful women I dont think so!
Gender isnt an issue competence and accomplishments are so I hope Lyke can get things moving.
If Lyke is up for the tuff PITT AD job she's going to have to start generating some new stuff soon or it'll be business as usual.
Narduzzi will put a winning team on the field but I'm sure he'd like some help filling up Heinz!
My prediction Stallings will be her longer than Lyke!
We'll see won't we. Hope I'm wrong but I doubt it since I'm not wrong much!
The key issue at PITT is the track record is terrible and the only way to fix that is to hire someone who is willing and capable of making positive changes. Waiting, waiting!
Unfortunately college athletics is not a good comparison to the business world--completely different animals. In business, you don't like the employees or the job they are doing--you fire them and hire new ones. Besides for having no money to do that for the would be against NCAA rules to get rid of your players and go out and recruit new and better players. The AD is not even close to being on the same level as a CFO or CEO....way far down the ladder from there [especially at Pitt].
Pitt's new AD is saddled with the coaches in place when she was hired. She is saddled with players already on the rosters. She is saddled with home schedules she has to sell. Completely powerless to change a single thing I have mentioned. Considering the attendance issues Pitt faces in both sports...the new AD will have to be a miracle worker to show much improvement. I'd love to hear what new programs and ideas would get people to fill the Pete with paying customers, and to a lesser extent, Heinz Field. The one area she can hopefully positively impact right away is fundraising...because in college sports, money can fix a lot of problems. We shall see how she does...but I am expecting better and improving things coming out of the Pitt AD's office. Hail to Pitt!