Pitt-Notre Dame running game thread

As I've said numerous times, basketball fans are delusionally optimistic. This team has shown you for multiple months that it sucks. But we beat an awful Boston College squad and people are posting about our path in the ACCT. Let me break it down for you: we suck, and this clunker of a season is over. And that's the case whether we squeak this one out over a 14-17 team or not.

It's because teams can get hot and win games it shouldn't in basketball. It's easier for lesser talented teams to win than in football.
Billy just offered his condolences to the Wolfley family on the radio. Somehow Billy found a way to make this game even more unpleasant
The parallels between the football and basketball seasons, right down to the final plays of the season and losing them in excruciating fashion is just wild.
how adorable that the most fight anyone has shown all season for this program comes on a horrendous call to seal this pathetic teams fate this season. Just magical. Get Jeff Capel away from this program

I think ND tied it with 50-something seconds, right? At that point, there is absolutely no way ND should be taking the last shot unless it's because we took the lead and they needed to foul.

And, instead, we cross half court and Lowe is standing there dribbling down the clock like a dude who just learned the rules to organized basketball last night.