We are limited in a lot of ways. We are young, we had a QB battle ended by injury not talent, and we are not bringing in top local talent because the game day environment sucks. But, with all that said I think looking back on this year the biggest mistake has been are lack of ability to the most basic thing in coaching. GET PLAY MAKERS THE BALL in PLACES to be SUCCESSFUL. Even you HCPC hater have to admit it was....Connor Connor Boyd......Boyd...Connor Boyd.... and for good reason.....We have not forced the Weah issue, we have not found a screen game for Henderson, we have not ran much RPO's for a limited QB (who did it well in high school), we are not lining up as a O line in a way that allows us to have a strong side (should be ONeil, Bookser, Office, Fill in, JJS) at least this way we can count on the left side of the line for protection and a play to run on 3rd and short), we have not even attempted to get aaron mathews involved down field or trick play (QB in High School), FFFFFrench is a great athlete and deserves touches and he can't get a direct hand off once all year in a year we have trouble running the ball because we have no speed.... Lastly, I love Maddox but how does he get a hand-off before Henderson in the back field??????..
H2P .....Find ways to be good.....
H2P .....Find ways to be good.....