Pitt - Virginia Game Thread

I’m usually not one to complain about the refs. But that first half was brutal.

but then again, so was our defense.
Well, it is obvious not having Dennis in the game is huge, not just because the bad call gave Virginia a TD instead of a punt. But we cant blitz, and we lose our top defensive player.
Please shorten the game and run the ball and take 5-6 minute drives ending in TD’s not FG’s and do anything other than what you’re doing in coverage. If we score TD’s and stay ahead just run the ball and eat clock. They are the worst rush D in the conference and Izzy has 2 carries. We win by keeping their O off the field But if we continue to throw the ball on first and second down it’s just a recipe for a loss.
Both defenses suck.

I guess I get why we are playing soft, if the coaches just don’t think the DBs can cover.

UVA I have no idea what they are doing with their blitzes.

Offenses are about what we thought they would be.

Difference in the game is:

Special Teams

Narduzzi having the balls to go for it because he doesn’t think FGs will win it, and Bronco punting it and relying on his defense to get a stop.
The defense desperately needs to give Armstrong different looks. His deep ball ability isn’t there today because of the ribs. Need to blitz and pressure him.