
Oct 30, 2004
The girls are making big noise about their dissatisfaction with the BIG. They point out they only got saved from being asked by the president's of the universities to be expelled, by one vote. They want to join with the domers-as a pair. This must not be allowed to happen. I'm hoping the ACC does the right thing.
im of the opinion that pitt and psu shouldn't ever be in the same conference, i think it makes the rivalry a bit more special that way. i wouldn't look at fsu-florida the same way if they were both in the SEC or ACC.
So you think OSU/Michigan, USC/UCLA or Stanford/Cal are not important because they are in the same conference?
Re: Penn State Alumni ACC Poll Results, Link!

They did a Poll and it is right now 4000+ to join the ACC and less than 1000 to stay in the Big Ten? Now tell me again, if Penn State Fans envy Pitt being in the ACC and remember, Joseph Vincent Paterno chose the Big Ten, and they hate to admit that fact too.

WVU would love to be in the ACC too, regardless what the Dude says!

Poll Link Below:



Penn State Alumni ACC/BIG TEN Poll LINK!
Re: The Bigger Question Is....????

If Penn State did not sign the Grant of Rights Agreement for the Big Ten, and then joined the ACC......Would the Big Ten then come after Pitt to replace Penn State to keep Pennsylvania Cable Subscribers???


This post was edited on 2/18 6:17 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
PSU will be in the big Ten for a long time. They believe that they are a big deal in the Big Ten and it is just a matter of time until Frauklin has them winning championships as if they did the last 20 years. PSU believes they benefit from the Big Ten as to the research monies which is not exactly true but that is what they claim. PSU has Maryland and Rutgers as eastern teams to play every year and not sure the ACC conference teams wants that culture and arrogance in the ACC. I certainly don;t.
One questionable call in a basketball game and they think the conference is out to get them.. This will go away when they sign the next tv deal.
I am extremely reluctant to allow this rouge program to be considered into a clean organization such as the ACC.
However, if they do indeed admit to the sexual deviant activity on campus and agree to the original penalties of the ncaa.
This would include to the removal of the criminal laiden wins under paterno, I would consider this as a potential probationary
trial. If they can keep their noses clean and FOLLOW all Clery Act reports for a period of 5 years, they could be admitted as members. However, the % of finances for the first 5 years is portional at 20 % per year.
Id prefer anyone to Louisville. They add an irrelevant recruiting area/TV market and are poor academically.
Originally posted by SO4LIFE:
Id prefer anyone to Louisville. They add an irrelevant recruiting area/TV market and are poor academically.
You really care about fellow conference members' academics?? Why?? So i'll assume you aren't a fan of UNC being in the ACC?
Correct. UNC is a sham university with a fake major. Id rather Pitt not associate themselves with such schools. Louisville also being an example due to overall poor academics. One of the worst in any power five conference and the worst in the ACC by far.
Originally posted by upitt33:
So you think OSU/Michigan, USC/UCLA or Stanford/Cal are not important because they are in the same conference?
i did not say that in any way. they are established rivalries within a conference that have been going on for decades and that fits for them.

pitt-psu like fsu-florida is a rivalry that has been established for decades that isn't in-conference. that fits for them and i don't think it should change.
Originally posted by Pghfan:

One questionable call in a basketball game and they think the conference is out to get them.. This will go away when they sign the next tv deal.
Huh??? The last time Penn Snake was relevant in THAT sport, Roosevelt Grier was literally the big man on campus.
If the ACC had a chance to take PSU they couldn't say yes fast enough.
You're kidding right? If the ACC had the chance to add Penn State AND ND as full time members, they would jump so fast it would make your head spin.

The nitwit fans see only one thing in the future for them. 4th place tops finishes in their division. They bragged for years that they were in the BIG. Now they want out.
Their insular view and raging inferiority complex would continue to rage in the ACC. In the B10, they think everything is stacked in favor of OSU and UM, and against them. One week in the ACC, and they would be complaining about Duke and UNC in the same way. And as they do now, where they notice all calls against them by refs and ignore all calls that go in their favor, they would immediately claim the ACC is a conference with southern refs who are intentionally making calls against them.

We don't need their whining.

I'm very happy that we are in the conference we're in. I also must confess to enjoying the fact that Penn State feels stuck in a conference that doesn't want them, and by a 4-to-1 margin, their fans wants to be in our conference instead, and they won't get there.
Long live the Pedsters in the Big 10. It is hilarious to continually read the Pedster whining that the Big 10 takes a dump on anyone not named Ohio St. or Michigan. Face it, the Pedsters thought they were going to roll into that conference and take over. Things have not quite worked out that way.

If the Pedsters could hang with Ohio St. in the Big 10, they would not be desperately trying to run away from the Big 10.

There isn't a conference anywhere that wuold have supported the Pedsters when the Sandusky/Paterno scandal hit the fan in 2011. Every other conference would have also distanced themselves from the Peds, just like the Big 10 did.
upitt33 posted on 2/18/2015...

So you think OSU/Michigan, USC/UCLA or Stanford/Cal are not important because they are in the same conference?

Pitt & WVU were a huge in conference rivalary as well! How about Auburn and Alabama!

I don't think the conference matters just the game matters!

I'd love to see the Nitters ( PSU) and the Golden Domers (ND) in the ACC!

Make it happen!
I truly believe the Penn State should consider joining the ACC, but not because the officials are screwing them over in the Big Ten. That is an exceedingly stupid reason to leave a conference, especially when the statistics show that your team has generally been the least penalized team in the league since you joined two decades ago.

The reason I think Penn State should consider moving to the ACC is because, like the University of Pittsburgh, most of their alums live up and down the eastern seaboard - not in the Midwest. Also, the national demographic trends over the past several decades are undeniable and most of the talent is now located south of the Mason-Dixon Line and those numbers are only going to grow. As such, it only makes sense to have a consistent presence in those places.

In fact, that is why I believe Maryland and Rutgers were added to the Big Ten. I don't think it had anything to do with cable subscriptions or any of that other nonsense. I think it was done to appease a wavering Penn State. It obviously worked and I cannot imagine any scenario in which Penn State would ever leave the Big Ten.

I certainly understand why they'd love to be in the ACC and out of the B1G. Their membership there never made any geographic sense to begin with--it was merely a money move. Some times a whore regrets the bed in which she was paid to sleep. Not sure what kind of poison pill the B1G has to exit...but I imagine it is very expensive and lengthy. I do not see it happening under any circumstances--despite the wishes of their fans. That said, as a number of posters suggested...the ACC would be crazy to turn them down if the opportunity struck--and I agree. Perhaps once the JokePa statue is returned...the cult can focus their attention on a conference change? LOL Hail to Pitt!
I think Pitt's ideal scenario would be for Penn State and Notre Dame to join the league as full members and for West Virginia to join it as a replacement for someone else. That would be the perfect scenario for the University of Pittsburgh. It is not going to happen but if it did, I would do cartwheels down the hallway here at work.
My biggest concern regarding Pitt Panthers football is the fact that we currently don't have any permanent rivals on our schedule. That is a very big deal when you were trying to sell a minor-league sport in a major league market. You have to give the casual fans something to get excited about and it is not going to happen with the mid-October tilt between the Panthers and the North Carolina Tar Heels.

Also, most of the ACC schools already have their primary and secondary rivals set. We don't have any of that and I'm not sure what our prospects are for creating said rivalries?

I think West Virginia will be back on our schedule and short order, as well they should. They are a complete pain in the behind and they can act ridiculously at times but they give our fans something to get charged up about and we need that. I would love to see the more than a century old Penn State rivalry restored on an annual basis as well but I do not see very many scenarios in which that is very likely. I don't think they say the same upside in that game's restoration as many of us do. I also think they are wrong/shortsighted in their view but that is their prerogative.

Also, Notre Dame, our third biggest rival, will now only play here once every 6-8 years or so. That means that we have lost our three major rivals/ticket selling partners in the last decade plus. That is not a good thing and we need to rectify that ASAP if we went to consistently draw fans to our games and stir local media interest. We need to win games too but that is only part of the battle. Not only do you have to win in a market like this, you have to beat teams that the locals care about. Most of the "name teams" in this league are in the other division and we will not play them any more frequently then we will play Notre Dame going forward. That is a big deal and our next A.D. will definitely have to address that.

We are not going to solve this issue by scheduling a steady diet of second tier programs from major conferences like Iowa, Oklahoma State, Mississippi, etc. It has to come from one of our established rivals.

This post was edited on 2/19 11:25 AM by Dr. von Yinzer
As for ACC teams, the only real rivalry prospects I see are Virginia Tech, Miami and maybe Georgia Tech. I think those games have a chance to turn into rivalry types of games. We have to win enough to make them so though.

Otherwise, I don't really see any chance of us becoming rivals with fellow divisional schools like North Carolina, Duke, etc. Those games will always feel like games felt against the likes of Connecticut, Rutgers, etc.

Additionally, with the way the schedule is set up, we won't play teams in the other division frequently enough to develop rivalries with anyone other than maybe Syracuse, which for some odd reason never blossomed into a rivalry despite the fact that we have been playing them annually for the past six plus decades. Schools like Florida State and Clemson are certainly big names and could draw some interest but those games will always feel like out of conference games because of how infrequently we play those teams.

Even the potential rivalry games I listed above will never match the intensity of what we felt in past games versus the likes of Penn State, West Virginia and Notre Dame. They really are second-tier types of "big games" for the casual college football fan in this area of the country.

I hate to say it but it is undeniably true. Now, I don't mean to imply that I think Pitt needs Penn State or West Virginia to survive. However, I absolutely think it would be in our best interest to play those two teams on an annual basis. I also think it is in those teams' best interest to play those games on an annual basis. However, that is discussion for another thread.


This post was edited on 2/19 11:42 AM by Dr. von Yinzer
Originally posted by pittdan77:

My favorite argument is that them moving to the ACC would somehow lend the conference some legitimacy before it's pending implosion.
I respectfully disagree brother... We all hate them and it adds to the rivalry but adding Penn and Notre Dame would be a major major Coup for the ACC and yes further legitimize it and they could really Command tv monies not yet ever seen! It's true
I'm not sure if Penn St would really like playing in the ACC. There's a good chance they get paired with Louisville and the Virginias.
I agree. Whether they want to be or not, or should be or not, or WE want them to be in or not...they won't be.

Gotta love that they used to look down at Pitt for being in the Big Least, as they called it, and now Pitt is the conference that they know they belong in, and want to be in, by a wide margin. They are envious in this regard.
ACC can have them. Biggest crybabies in the B1G. Been getting their ass kicked by Ohio State for over 20 years now and apparently its only because of referee and B1G conspiracy. Read their boards and you can see Ohio State has surpassed Pitt as their #1 object of scorn.
The Pedos have never lost a game in the Big 10 in which they didn't get "cheated" by the refs. Just ask them.
If you ask them why the B10 is out to get them, they don't have a good reason. Oh, they have plenty of reasons, just not a good one. Paranoid delusion.
It can't happen. The BIG 10 rules state that all member teams need to reside in boardering states. NJ and Maryland don't touch so even if they added WVU it doesn't work.
Right now they really are feeling sorry for themselves. Their Pitt envy is at an all time high. They want to be ACC members. They want Suzie as their WBB coach. The majority of their press is still negative...unlike ours. It's a tough time to be a Nitwit.