Press Conference.....Before and After.

One of the rumors I heard was Toney hooked up with Champagnie's girlfriend. So there was a rift that a coach wouldn't be able to fix if this was indeed true.
Did she express any unhappiness with your performance? Did she provide you any direction? As a result of those discussions do you anticipate making any changes in the coaching s,taff?

Do you seriously think that you are getting any sort of real answer to those kinds of questions? Really?

Come on man, you aren't this dense.
Then the follow up...

Reporter - “what did you talk about”

Capel - “I’m not going to get into the details”

I get that as a reporter it’s their job to ask questions. But the real issue some are having is they want to know what happened. And there’s not a chance - as in ZERO - that’s going to happen. Not now, not tomorrow. Not next year.
Do you think the questions asked of Capel anywhere neared the tone of tHe questions asked Barnes and Stallings.

or the questions asked Lyke and Stallings once Lyke came on board.

Sure, Capel is going to reveal no real information, but does the press have to make it so damn easy for him?
Do you think the questions asked of Capel anywhere neared the tone of tHe questions asked Barnes and Stallings.

or the questions asked Lyke and Stallings once Lyke came on board.

Sure, Capel is going to reveal no real information, but does the press have to make it so damn easy for him?

The only thing I recall is Dejan. And he was an ass to be certain. But if you say they’re treating them differently now then cool. I can’t make any other informed comments.

For all I know it’s a different press crew now than it was then. Because of the stupidity with the announced start time and actual start time there may not have been that many press even on the call. So it may not even be an apples to apples comparison.

“The press” is made up of individuals. Unless you know the same specific people who were “mean” to Stallings are taking it easy on Capel then there’s nothing there. And maybe you do, but I wouldn’t have a clue other then Dejan. If he was there and lobbed softballs then yes, you’d be right.
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So better off might be losing with good guys? I'd rather win a game wit a team of A-holes.

Yes and ones that are so good they need some $ delivered as well. You get no punishment if caught , so you better play by the rules of the others or you are at a gun fight with a knife , which I think Pitt brass prefers
The only thing I recall is Dejan. And he was an ass to be certain. But if you say they’re treating them differently now then cool. I can’t make any other informed comments.

For all I know it’s a different press crew now than it was then. Because of the stupidity with the announced start time and actual start time there may not have been that many press even on the call. So it may not even be an apples to apples comparison.

“The press” is made up of individuals. Unless you know the same specific people who were “mean” to Stallings are taking it easy on Capel then there’s nothing there. And maybe you do, but I wouldn’t have a clue other then Dejan. If he was there and lobbed softballs then yes, you’d be right.
It appeared there were only six people “on time”. I saw Craig Meyer, Jerry Dipalo and I think, Alan Saunders. I do not know who the other three were. A black man, a white woman and a white male in a mask.

Five or six people arrived “late”. I know Chris Peak, Andrew Stockey and maybe Jim Hammett. I do not know the others.

Those that arrived “late” were not accommodated even though they were there and only ten minutes of time had expired in this press availability.

Should they have been accommodated?

Was this intentional to limit questioning?

I don’t know, but it does not look good.
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It appeared there were only six people “on time”. I saw Craig Meyer, Jerry Dipalo and I think, Alan Saunders. I do not know who the other three were. A black man, a white woman and a white male in a mask.

Five or six people arrived “late”. I know Chris Peak, Andrew Stockey and maybe Jim Hammett. I do not know the others.

Those that arrived “late” were not accommodated even though they were there and only ten minutes of time had expired in this press availability.

Should they have been accommodated?

Was this intentional to limit questioning?

I don’t know, but it does not look good.

I don’t know either. But when I posted about it the day of my feelings were clear. Clown show. Completely disrespectful and unprofessional.
If anyone knows the names of those for the entire event and the names of those who arrived late, I would appreciate that information - Thanx
we have not had enough players with character since Jamie left. of course, team attitude is usually better when you win.

I want Capel to be successful. still, I don't like his attitude at the press conferences. He never seems to like talkinjg to reporters. it is an important part of the job. gets very defensive at any criticism. Having said that, it seems most college coaches are like that., I don't get it. relax and have some fun. act like you like the people asking questions and that you are proud of the university you represent,. that comment is not specific to Capel, Narduzzi is similar, I think. same with Stallings..

In this day and age media gets paid to create controversy. It's what sells, so it's what they are looking for. All the coaches know this, and it drives them nuts, while tending to create a fortress attitude within the programs.
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Seeing as to how Lyke was in the meeting with Johnson and his father that led to Johnson leaving I am going to guess yes, he has talked with his AD about this.


I was so relieved to see this, to see Heather is involved and personally has a feel for what's actually happening. Hopefully Coach was down with it, or even asked for it.
Well sure, he could have been asked that. You aren't dumb enough to think that he would have answered it, are you?

That's beside the point. He SHOULD have been asked that. I'm sure he wouldn't give an honest, forthright answer. But it would be interesting to see what he would say on the record, especially if they have done any digging and have at least some ideas of how things went down.
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If anyone knows the names of those for the entire event and the names of those who arrived late, I would appreciate that information - Thanx
Who cares? Honestly. I don’t care if Mike Wallace was there, you clearly weren’t going to hear a combative media member going at Capel.
Seriously? You think the press should sit there and think up questions the coach wants to be asked?

What's the purpose of ever having a press conference?

The purpose of a press conference is to ask questions that get answers that the reporters think that their readers want to hear. Asking questions that you know are not going to get answered under any circumstances is a waste of time. If all they did was ask the kinds of questions that you and gary want then there would have been no purpose to having the presser, because no information would have been disseminated.
I disagree. It's there job to press for answers their audience would like to be informed about.

There was no valuable information gained anyway. And it's not like throwing out a few questions is terribly time consuming.
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I disagree. It's there job to press for answers their audience would like to be informed about.

They got all the information on the topic they were going to get. They could have asked those questions a thousand times and we wouldn't know one scrap of information more now that what we already know.

Asking questions that you know aren't going to get answered serves no purpose other than to piss off the person you are questioning and making it less likely that you will get answers in the future. Sounds dumb to me, but hey, it's not your job.
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They got all the information on the topic they were going to get. They could have asked those questions a thousand times and we wouldn't know one scrap of information more now that what we already know.

Asking questions that you know aren't going to get answered serves no purpose other than to piss off the person you are questioning and making it less likely that you will get answers in the future. Sounds dumb to me, but hey, it's not your job.

Not necessarily. Sometimes you can learn a lot by finding out exactly what they aren't willing to answer, and compare that to other sources who might be willing to say something on the record.

If the Head Coach won't talk about the situation, fine... see if the former players or their family want to give up any info. Depending on what they say, the HC may feel the need to respond, then take it from there.
If the Head Coach won't talk about the situation, fine... see if the former players or their family want to give up any info. Depending on what they say, the HC may feel the need to respond, then take it from there.

I agree, they should be trying to talk to those guys. And if one or both of them give them something useful then the reporter absolutely should go back to the coach to get his comments. But so far that hasn't happened yet, or at least if they tried they haven't gotten anything from the former players yet.
The purpose of a press conference is to ask questions that get answers that the reporters think that their readers want to hear. Asking questions that you know are not going to get answered under any circumstances is a waste of time. If all they did was ask the kinds of questions that you and gary want then there would have been no purpose to having the presser, because no information would have been disseminated.
Particularly when he has already said it was a mutual decision
That td isn’t able to comprehend it - doesn’t matter
The only thing I recall is Dejan. And he was an ass to be certain. But if you say they’re treating them differently now then cool. I can’t make any other informed comments.

For all I know it’s a different press crew now than it was then. Because of the stupidity with the announced start time and actual start time there may not have been that many press even on the call. So it may not even be an apples to apples comparison.

“The press” is made up of individuals. Unless you know the same specific people who were “mean” to Stallings are taking it easy on Capel then there’s nothing there. And maybe you do, but I wouldn’t have a clue other then Dejan. If he was there and lobbed softballs then yes, you’d be right.
Dejan was mean to Barnes - and by mean - he meant to “come clean” regarding the search firm .
Which was valid if said combatively

Gary is misremembering who the question was asked to
Particularly when he has already said it was a mutual decision
That td isn’t able to comprehend it - doesn’t matter

Which is a BS answer. Someone initiated the discussion. How many of these "mutual decisions" take place with a couple of weeks left in the season?

What led to this mutual decision?

Also, This is a horrible look for the program. You basically have 2 guys that have played major minutes since the day they set foot on campus... then after almost 3 years, they decide they don't want to be here any longer and the coach is basically saying, "yeah, we don't want you here anymore either." And this is pretty much the exact same thing that happened last year with Trey.
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Then the follow up...

Reporter - “what did you talk about”

Capel - “I’m not going to get into the details”

I get that as a reporter it’s their job to ask questions. But the real issue some are having is they want to know what happened. And there’s not a chance - as in ZERO - that’s going to happen. Not now, not tomorrow. Not next year.
Spilled milk. Let's get focused on the future. If you like drama, the Hallmark Channel awaits you.
About 70 minutes of new PT are now available to OUR Panthers. I'm interested to see who steps up and grabs those minutes.
Which is a BS answer. Someone initiated the discussion. How many of these "mutual decisions" take place with a couple of weeks left in the season?

What led to this mutual decision?

Well of course it is. But asking 100 questions about it isn't going to change the answer. It's like you and gary think that if the reporters just keep asking the same questions over and over and over and over that at some point Capel is going to change his mind and suddenly decide to spill the beans.

"Well, OK guys, I wasn't going to talk about this, but since you've asked me 12 questions about it now that means that you really must be interested and want to know the truth, so I'll tell you what really happened."

That's the fantasyland that you guys are living in.
Maybe the coach is the A-hole? Maybe he fckt it up?

Sure it's a possibility. But you've seen Trey do his thing, and now on another team. Been hearing Toney's transfer rumors for years too, there's no doubt that momma's boy was a handful. And you've seen X and his antics for years now.

What do you think's most likely?
Sure it's a possibility. But you've seen Trey do his thing, and now on another team. Been hearing Toney's transfer rumors for years too, there's no doubt that momma's boy was a handful. And you've seen X and his antics for years now.

What do you think's most likely?
I think you just explained it perfectly.

Coach has no sense of the "person" he is recruiting.

"he fckt it up "
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Well of course it is. But asking 100 questions about it isn't going to change the answer. It's like you and gary think that if the reporters just keep asking the same questions over and over and over and over that at some point Capel is going to change his mind and suddenly decide to spill the beans.

"Well, OK guys, I wasn't going to talk about this, but since you've asked me 12 questions about it now that means that you really must be interested and want to know the truth, so I'll tell you what really happened."

That's the fantasyland that you guys are living in.

Not at all. Just ask him a simple yes/no question... "Do you realize just how bad this makes your program look and how incompetent it makes you look as the Head Coach?

See if he will answer that.
Not at all. Just ask him a simple yes/no question... "Do you realize just how bad this makes your program look and how incompetent it makes you look as the Head Coach?

See if he will answer that.

You say something like that at a presser and you are likely to find your access to the team that you cover severely curtailed in the future.

The idea that being an asshole at a press conference is likely to get you what you want is goofy. Just goofy. That simply isn't the way that these things work. Pretty much ever, anywhere.
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You say something like that at a presser and you are likely to find your access to the team that you cover severely curtailed in the future.

The idea that being an asshole at a press conference is likely to get you what you want is goofy. Just goofy. That simply isn't the way that these things work. Pretty much ever, anywhere.

I'm just driving home the point. Obviously no sane journalist is going to word it like that. Something more along the lines of mentioning Trey and asking if optics are a concern. You can be nice about it.
Sure it's a possibility. But you've seen Trey do his thing, and now on another team. Been hearing Toney's transfer rumors for years too, there's no doubt that momma's boy was a handful. And you've seen X and his antics for years now.

What do you think's most likely?
His "antics", like what? getting emotional while competing? To me that's good.
None of us really knows what goes on behind closed doors , but I think it’s safe to say the departures of Trey and now X and Toney have taken a lot of negative drama out of the program.

Fights , hitting on other players girlfriends , not sharing the ball , jealousy, ignoring the coaching , meddling parents and not mentoring your teammates are just what we’ve heard . Maybe just maybe one of the issues with recruiting is that potential recruits see this disfunction and say no thanks .

My big question is if given a full recruiting cycle would there have been red flags regarding these guy’s recruitment in the first place that would’ve made JC take a pass on one , two or all three of them .

Keeping toxic players on your roster to win another game or two isn’t going to help you build a winning culture , they weren’t winning with them and my guess is that no one tried tried to talk any of these players out of their decisions .

As ex Panthers I wish them well , but I think they needed to go . Time to move on with guys who want to be here .
I'm just driving home the point. Obviously no sane journalist is going to word it like that. Something more along the lines of mentioning Trey and asking if optics are a concern. You can be nice about it.
Maybe people need to sit through a journalism class. Obviously, there are tactical ways to ask the questions you need to lead the coach into divulging some information.

But for a coach to offer nothing when his team is semi-imploding is disrespectful to the media and to the fans. And the reporters look like sycophants.
Maybe people need to sit through a journalism class. Obviously, there are tactical ways to ask the questions you need to lead the coach into divulging some information.

But for a coach to offer nothing when his team is semi-imploding is disrespectful to the media and to the fans. And the reporters look like sycophants.
Didn’t your mother tell you if you can’t say something nice about somebody your better off not saying anything !
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Maybe people need to sit through a journalism class. Obviously, there are tactical ways to ask the questions you need to lead the coach into divulging some information.

But for a coach to offer nothing when his team is semi-imploding is disrespectful to the media and to the fans. And the reporters look like sycophants.
Turns out not imploding
We lost to ncsu by the same amount without x and Toney as we did with them

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