Purdue should win!

Jul 13, 2013
Purdue should win with no problem with all that talent. If they lose, they need to go to the woodshed and horsewhipped. A.J.Hammons will come to play and that is a huge difference. He is a pro when he wants to be. The guards should shoot lights out and the front line is too good to play around. Purdue 82 Pittsburgh 65
johhnypurdue is a notorious troll username, making appearances all over the web, that tries to make all purdue fans look bad. Please just ignore this person.
don't listen to JohnnyPurdue.

We know this game will likely be a battle. Pitt's record at home is tremendous, and without it's best defender, Purdue is in for a real challenge.

Hope the Boilers pull it out, but here's to a hard-fought game (with no injuries)!
Just opening this thread is a minute of my life I will never get back.
Punaj must be looking for friends and eating apple pie. loloollololololoolololololol! He wants to be nice the little fruitcake! lolololololololololoolololololololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, that made me laugh out loud. Thanks.
johnnypurdue is Phil, Purdue fans.

He's one of *gulp* ours. Sorry to say.