I can't speak to where Lemieux lived specifically, but I can say that it used to be that these guys lived in the community, you saw them and everyone knew where they lived. They were neighbors. I remember being a pretty small kid in Homewood/Point Breeze and everyone knew where Mr. Stargell lived/used to live.
The South Hills were a series of small, tight knit communities. I am not sure if they still are, but everyone knew each other in/around the townships. Or at least it had that feel.
In the South Hills, like noted above, the Penguins and some Steelers were very visible. Normal guys. They would tell you where they lived because you kicked some words with them, they sensed the genuine nature of people and they knew that you lived right down the street too.
I always really thought that was/is much of the Pittsburgh charm. Most everyone is a normal guy/girl. Not that money and status did not matter, but even the stars mixed in with the normal folk. Not sure if that still exists, I am too disconnected with the city.