Too many posters are reacting as though the team is performing below expectations. In order to get any enjoyment out of this season, you have to accept what the team is for now, and have realistic expectations. What I'm looking for is effort, grit, and signs that they are buying in to what the coaches are doing. I'm seeing all three so far. As for individual players, there are probably no NBA guys here, and Stallings needs to bring in at least a couple of guys who will eventually at least draw NBA scouts here. I think Carr will eventually become a superior player, but we need a couple more. That said, this year I'm looking for potential Ronald Ramons, Gary McGhees, and Nasir Robinsons. Good teams need these types of players to compliment the stars, and this is where the coaches will earn their money, developing what will become depth for the next few years. If you expect much more than that this season, you're going to be disappointed, and end up spewing negativity.