recruiting or lack there of..........

HCPN could have got PSU back to where are too given their national profile which we have not had in 35 years. And HCPN got us more wins in his first 2 years than we had since the Big Least with a tougher schedule IMHO before stepping back with a young team last year. And had a major upsets in the past 2 seasons which no one else had done expect maybe Walt and VT.

I want Pitt to be a national player but we really have not been one except for about 10 years back in the 70s and early 80s.

Imagine what he'd do with better more talent.
Imagine what he'd do with better more talent.
I agree and to me his challenge is not being a National Player you have to do more with less which should improve the national reputation over time but takes time. I am just not expecting him to do it in just a couple years given all that he has to undo.
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HCPN could have got PSU back to where are too given their national profile which we have not had in 35 years. And HCPN got us more wins in his first 2 years than we had since the Big Least with a tougher schedule IMHO before stepping back with a young team last year. And had a major upsets in the past 2 seasons which no one else had done expect maybe Walt and VT.

I want Pitt to be a national player but we really have not been one except for about 10 years back in the 70s and early 80s.

Ya gotta love these whiners... They get defensive when you accuse them of being trolls, yet if you are positive about what's going on, you're called a "homer". The difference is the homers aren't whining about being called a homer...LOL!
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So Pitt fan demands respect in every aspect except recruiting. Then, it's okay to claim we're little brother? You can't have it both ways. Especially when PSU was as far down as they could get.

Where did I say any of that crap? You are pulling crap from who knows where. I’m not saying we are PSU’s little brother. I am not saying we can’t at some point recruit evenly with PSU, but to honestly expect it now is silly. They have had tremendous success the last couple years. They have a history of better success over the past 35 years. We can get there but it needs to be in steps. If you want to keep arguing the point go ahead but I’m moving on.