So did I , so did JD and so did all of the other pg who choose not to go to Pitt while he was there . He was in complete control of the team from day one , he was a natural born leader . Was he a future HOF guy , no but he was a solid player who ran the offense his coach wanted . Had Pitt ever had an off guard that could shoot the ball from 3 his personal stats would’ve been much better .
Everyone just wants to blame KS coaching for Pitts collapse in 2016 , but denying the fact that that team had only one major personal change from the previous yr had nothing to do with Pitts play is just seeing what they want to see . Not having JRob at point was the major cause for 2016’s collapse . He was a solid player who made very few mistakes , shot FT at close to 80% and he was the kind of player who made everyone else on the floor better . He was a facilitator not a flashy guy like X or a scorer like KK and he didn’t play in an era when Pitt was a national power surrounded by great players , but I’ll take a player like JRob on my team every yr .
Sean Miller would be the guy he resembles the most of all the past Panther pg , but look who Sean was surrounded by . Charles Smith , Jerome Lane , Jason Mathews , D Gore , Brian Shorter etc not really the same level of players !