Sean Miller is a d$ck


Mar 19, 2011
Yesterday he said one of his players is going to punch a kid during a court storming. The Pac10 should suspend him.
Yesterday he said one of his players is going to punch a kid during a court storming. The Pac10 should suspend him.

He said that someday, one of his players is going to someday punch a kid in self-defense during a court storming.

Listen to the whole quote in context, and you'll probably find yourself agreeing with him.
Yea, just like Zavackas did at Syracuse. He's right and should be comended for his honesty. Conferences should take the SEC's lead and fine schools who storm the court. Its dangerous.
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Yesterday he said one of his players is going to punch a kid during a court storming. The Pac10 should suspend him.
Next time check your facts before you post, Miller was 100% spot-on with what he said. It's going to take a very serious injury to a student or player for the NCAA to finally do something about these dangerous court stormings.
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You know what prevents court storming? Beating crappy teams on the road.
yeah, not feeling bad for these coaches or players that just got upset and have a bunch of college students screaming in their face.. To be honest, not feeling too bad about obnoxious 20 year old getting in the face of a 6'5" ball player, talking smack and getting punched either.. So to summarize, I really have no opinion on the matter yet decided to chime in anyways..
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I'm hoping one of his kids punches someone, and the victim then owns a big chunk of Millers assets and the kid's future earnings.
I agree with Miller and his statements just make me like him more.
I can't say the quote makes me like him any more or less but I believe his point is certainly well taken.
When Donatas punched the fan was it on the first court storming or second? If I remember right, there was a controversy at the end of the game and they made fans get back in their seats.And then Knight almost made a long distance heave at the end.Then they stormed it again...
You know what prevents court storming? Beating crappy teams on the road.

Well PAC12 opponents have stormed the court in 10 of the last 11 Arizona PAC12 losses, so essentially you are saying that Arizona should never lose a conference game on the road. Which is ridiculous. Nobody wins all their conference road games year after year. Not even Kansas, who has absolutely owned the Big 12 for a couple of decades.
I was so hoping the Utah fans would have stormed the court, just to see Miller blow a gasket. If it happened again he'd probably hire a hitman.
I was so hoping the Utah fans would have stormed the court, just to see Miller blow a gasket. If it happened again he'd probably hire a hitman.
I so look forward to one of these young punks storming the court who get in the face of the opposing players or coaches ....getting decked unconscious.

Court-storming is stupid and dangerous. It needs to be banned. Students doing it need to get decked by security guards.

The SEC does it right. If your fans storm the court, school pay a hefty fine.

Sean Miller was right.
And as soon as one of them does hit a fan, I hope that player goes to prison for a long time, and Miller too, for inciting violence. His comments are completely uncalled for. His job is to keep his player's under control, not give them his tacit approval for punching someone.
Miller's job is to protect his players, not to worry about the people who are trespassing where they do not belong. Start giving all the people who go on the court when they don't belong there a citation and a fine for trespassing and this will stop instantly.
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Miller's job is to protect his players, not to worry about the people who are trespassing where they do not belong. Start giving all the people who go on the court when they don't belong there a citation and a fine for trespassing and this will stop instantly.
Agree 100%.
Of all the reasons Sean Miller is a dick, this is way, way, way down at the bottom.
I hate, hate, hate court storming. But I hate Arizona more. I hope a future court storming results in Zona's best player being suspended for a first round tourney loss.