call regular Collegiate Banter and Fans still do things like paint the Lion or spell out Names of School. Penn State really hate not just Pitt, but all of the Big Ten and cannot accept they found out they are just like any Program and their Prophet Paterno told a few Nittany Lies too, to build up the Program and later omitted things that could set it back, but in the end admitted in Hindsight he should have done more the children not his Program?This is how fans on both sides behave in an intense college football rivalry. While perhaps some may be "above it all," there is no reason to attempt to remove the passion from those fans that have it. Hail to Pitt!
"For What Does It Profit A Man To Gain The Whole World And Forfeit His Soul"?
Matthew 8:36
Joe Coached & won many more games than anyone in NCAA PC 5 History, but in the end he did it at the expense and forfeit of his own good Name Penn State University Name too?