Skenes is a 22 year old professional athlete, he should be strong enough and in good enough shape to throw however many pitches he needs to in a given game. The pussification of professional athletes in this country has gotten so far our of hand it is ridiculous. What next for the Pirates? Do they start to monitor the number of steps that Bryan Reynolds has taken in a given game? Nolan Ryan at the advanced age of 25 was threw 20 Complete Games in a season. Followed that up with throwing 21 or more Complete Games in four of the next five seasons. Amazing how an old man like Ryan could do that, huh??? I doubt if the Pirates entire pitching staff will throw more then 5 the entire season.
I am willing to bet that if Pual Skenes (or any other MLB pitcher) had a no hitter going after 6 or 7 innings, they would want the chance to do something memorable and be given the chance to try and finish up what they have started.
The reality of it is, Derek Shelton has the most comfortable and secure job in not only MLB, but all professional sports. He manages a baseball team that has an owner that has little interest in trying to win a championship. A team close to the .500 mark, will get Shelton an extension. If his team ever ends up above the .500 mark, he will be given a lifetime contract.
We all know that talented players like Skenes, O'Neill Cruz and even Jared Jones (this one hurts the most because that means his girlfriend will leave as well) are just here temporarily and that their future teams like the Yankees, Braves, Astros and Dodgers will be very happy that the Pirates protected their future players.