SMF apparently solved the FSU lawsuit

With the shortened GOR, ESPN is heavily involved. It isn't to ESPN's benefit to shorten the GOR getting the ACC schools on the cheap for the main tv deal. With the tv distributors refusing to pay for the in-market rates for the whole state for these conference networks, the economics for the ACCN drastically change. ESPN probably sees the ACCN as a money pit so they are agreeable to shorten the GOR and dump the ACCN at the end. This stops the lawsuits and keeps FSU and Clemson in the fold until 2029-31. Those years will be when the Big 10, Big 12, and now ACC contracts come up.
GOR has nothing to do with ESPN. GOR is a conference agreement that helps negotiate with ESPN.

Also, the ACCN has grown in revenue since its inception and is being paid for with a lower payout. Not really affecting ESPN. They got a pretty sweet deal on it.
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I'm not suggesting they don't have more drawing power. I'm saying that tv ratings should not be a metric for revenue distribution for two schools that are already locked into a deal. Giving them a larger share won't convince them to stay, so why even consider that option?

In theory it could convince them to stay. At least for a little.

There’s obviously some number that FSU and Clemson has that would make it worth it to them to stay in the ACC. If you offered them 200 million a season, they obviously would drop the suit and be delighted to be in the ACC.

I don’t know what that number is. It’s higher than what they are currently getting. But is it dollar for dollar what the SEC or Big Ten is getting? Probably not. You don’t go into litigation demanding your best case scenario or trial

We don’t know if the tv viewership distribution gets FSU and Clemson close enough to what they are looking for to not make litigation worth it anymore. But it might. The ACC seems to think it might.
Nope. The idea is very obvious to anyone who understands this. The ACC needs to survive until 2036. It needs to delay its potential collapse as long as possible and hope for a landscape change. It needs for this to happen in any way possible. Florida State may suck this year but they are worth much more to the ACC than BC, Wake, Pitt, etc, and they should receive what they are worth. I dont believe in conference socialism.
But you do believe in socialism, right?
No. I believe in European-style capitalism. Tax the crap out of the rich so there's no poverty. And when there's no poverty, there's no crime.
LOL. A big problem with immigrants, and too poor to provide any military or good medical response time. 800 Sq. Ft. homes/apts.
Nice to visit in about 20%.