ADVERTISEMENT about this? McCord...?

Skeller is the quintessential jo pa cult member. Some mythical Pitt professor was outraged by the indictment? The old standby--"would jo pa let his kids hang out with Sandusky"? The people who knew jo pa understood he would never knowingly cover-up for Sandusky? Jo pa was busy reading the Aenid so why would he be involved in such a sordid affaiir? Freeh made it all up? The media was in on the plan to frame jo pa. McQuery made it all up Blah blah blah… Time to put jo pa's halo back on the mural and genuflect when you walk by jo pa's hues. These people are sick and Skeller is the classic representation of these mindless fools who find redemption in a corrupt coach.
Thats false. The suit was brought to keep the fine money in PA. Judge

Covey was the one questioning the legality of the Consent Decree(and everything else in it including the wins). The $60 million will remain in PA going to charities to protect children from Pittsburgh to Philly and everywhere in between.

As part of the settlement and despite the fact they were a nominal defendant in the suit, PSU agreed to pay the legal costs in the case. So, no tax dollars were used in this suit.
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Re: Not trying to rationalize but...

"The point is, they wouldn't sign with Pitt."

They might still sign. The early LOI would be an insurance policy to the player against an injury that might get their offer pulled prior to LOI day.

With the trend of late flips, more coaches may go the route of over-offering and then not accepting the LOI on the day like Petrino did. It is a scum thing to do, but it is essentially what the players are doing with the late flips.