So tired of hearing about PC's dream job................


Jul 5, 2001
Many on this board are too accepting of Chryst's decision to bolt after only three years at PITT. PC quit on his commitment to this University and to the PITT players. I put this guy in the same category as T. Graham. He left us in a bind in the 11th hour and moved on our recruits.

Please stop the lovefest for this guy.
It is a dirty business but I do think he tried to exit honorably. I am glad things worked out as they did since we now have a higher commitment to the FB budget and I am not sure you can do that with raises to the prior staff.
I'm glad he left and it was the catalyst for Peterson to be dismissed.

Under the circumstances PC was the best we could get.
The past administration was a failure. Stumbling all over itself from the firing of Wanny to the parade of coaches.

Glad he's gone.

Can't wait till next year.
I would say hiring the offensive coordinator of Wisconsin is at worst the equivalent of hiring the defensive coordinator of Michigan State.
The Chryst and Graham departures are not even in the same hemisphere. Any attempt to paint them as such is completely dishonest.
What you are saying, then, is that Chryst should have stayed at Pitt until he either died or was fired. In any other scenario where he left on his own, he would be quitting on his commitments. That is an unreasonable standard for any college coach. By all accounts, he handled the situation in a completely different manner than Graham did.
Re: I Coin It Another Way & Name....."The Pitt Curse"!...

........and it is not about Pitt being cursed but those that came to Pitt and then abandon Pitt and only come to regret it.

Pop Warner left Pitt for Stanford and followed by Temple, but never won as much as he did at Pitt when he went 60-12-4 at a .816% and winning 4 National Championships, but did very good at Stanford going 71-17-8 where he won 1 in 1926 and going .781%. Pop Warner left Pitt in great shape with one of his Former Players. Pitt did even better under Coach Jock Sutherland that won at Pitt winning at .818% until Pitt quit funding scholarships in 1939?

Johnny Majors said he made a bid mistake leaving Pitt for his own Alma Mater UTenn that ended up abandoning Johnny and firing him. Pitt gave Johnny Majors a second chance but what he had built at Pitt was gone and he lacked the resources, energy, and abilities to rebuild it! Johnny ended up being a .500% Wining Percentage Coach at Pitt but ,ost Fans still respect him, but he could have enjoyed and won far more had he stayed at Pitt!

Jackie Sherrill has said in public it was his biggest mistake taking the big money leaving Pitt with a .842% and then going to Texas A&M where he was fired and then bounced around at Missy State. It went bad for Jackie and Pitt too. When Jackie did want to come back to Pitt the Chancellor that was a bigger loser from UNC nixed such an idea and Jackie still regrets leaving Pitt and will say that if anyone asked!

Ben Howland as Pitt was playing the NCAA Tourney gushed about taking his Boyhood's Dream Job as he lost focus on preparing his Team for the next NCAA Tournament Game by going as fast possible to UCLA where he was eventually was fired, and is still looking for a job.

Walt Harris quit paying attention to his job and hired the wrong Sports Agent that made stupid comments and eventually was let go and ended up at Stanford where he became forlorn after 2 years and then spent his last days in coaching at Akron and CALU!

Steve Pederson the Hot Shot Pitt AD abandon Pitt for his own Dream Job at Nebraska where he ended up being fired in 5 minutes and hated to this very day at his Alma Mater and then crawled back to Pitt where he became the joke of Athletic Directors by going through 3 Head Coaches and 3 Interim Coaches in 4 years and fired just before a Pitt Basketball Tip Off and no one regrets that firing whatsoever, at Nebraska or Pitt?

Paul Chryst came to Pitt after Barry Alvarez picking up the pieces of Steve Pederson's Consultants poor judgments as well as his own ego arrogance now has gone back to his Dream Job now being needed as Coaches quit on Barry Alvarez that had choice but to bring back Paul Chryst, that had no problem abandoning his players and taking recruits with him. Whether he regrets ever leaving Pitt with a .487% Losing Percentage will be seen in future years.

Yet, others can laugh at Pitt from WVU to PSU, but, "The Pitt Curse" that happens to those that come to Pitt and then leave Pitt is on them, and better than the Scandal legacies left at WVU and PSU with NCAA Sanctions!

We shall see?


This post was edited on 2/21 3:25 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
yes, he quit on pitt.

to take the job he's wanted since he stopped playing football and started coaching.

or since he was 8.

probably 8.

such a bad man.
Comparing Graham's departure to Chryst's is the kind of laughably stupid thing that South Park's Eric Cartman would say. Your handle is well chosen.
then why did we hire him??

if he was a flight risk, and when "stability" is valued by many on this board and also in the pitt admin?
If he had stayed he would go 6-6 this fall and been canned. Would he have lost to YSU, Akron or both ? That is the only question. And Steve P would have made another lousy hire. With him leaving, Pederson got canned, we have a better head coach, better assistants, more commitment from the chancellor and administration, and will have a better attitude, recruiting and overall level of desire in the program. Rather than whining about Gomer, you should send Alvarez a thank you card or flowers.

In case you have been in a coma the past 10 years....the board is completely fixated on discussing our former coaches. Whether you share your view as articulated above, or my view, that leaving for your alma mater is always acceptable [especially if the job is a step up or at least sideways]...does it really matter? He is no longer Pitt's I will no longer need to hold my nose and pretend he can recruit and coach. Did you ever listen to the guy talk? It was painful pretending he had a college degree and was representing the University of Pittsburgh. Best of luck to his alma mater--said half-heartedly. Did you really want him to stay? Not me. May be one of the biggest strokes of luck that has happened to Pitt football in all the years I've been following them. Hail to Pitt!
Originally posted by jtownknowitall:
I would say hiring the offensive coordinator of Wisconsin is at worst the equivalent of hiring the defensive coordinator of Michigan State.
Time will tell about that.
Originally posted by Dr. von Yinzer:
The Chryst and Graham departures are not even in the same hemisphere. Any attempt to paint them as such is completely dishonest.
Agree completely with you ...... but Chryst leaving was a Golden Opportunity for Pitt to upgrade ...... time will tell whether we did.
PC helped were I think we needed it most, the offensive line. He probably didn't expect the Wisconsin job to open up for at least a couple more years. I have no bad feelings for PC like I do for TG. Pitt had some of the most puzzling and infuriating losses under PC, but still had some good wins to balance out to mediocre. Hopefully Pat Narduzzi can eliminate those horrible losses, that would be a good first step.
To answer the question if I would boo or cheer PC if Wiscy played at Pitt and I was there. I certainly wouldn't cheer for a guy who was our head coach when we lost badly at home to both Akron and Youngstown State. But I wouldn't boo him either, I don't seem him as a traitor or anything like that. Probably just no reaction to him.

This post was edited on 2/21 8:00 PM by lostnite66
Totally agree, and . . .

the buyout paid for the exit of the AD, enabling Gallagher to start with a clean slate.

^^^ He did Pitt a favor relax ^^^

PC = Mediocre

PN = Passion and success

Relax kid enjoy the ride
The lovefest with him is partly due to him not being here. :) Some lovefest's stem from the absence of others. ;-) Think of a former wife or girlfriend who you fell out of favor with, but who you can now tolerate and even enjoy being in her company now because you know when you go home, she's not coming with you.

Sometimes you have to see the forest through the trees. Would you rather have Narduzzi or Chryst. For discussion sake, I'll presume Narduzzi. In order for Narduzzi to be at Pitt, Chryst has to not be at Pitt. Some things happen for the best, and this is one of them. If one's new girlfriend or wife is better and hotter than the old one, then why fret about the old one when she actually did you a favor. We replaced a 2005 Nissan Pathfinder with a 2015 Lexus RX 350.
Originally posted by ERICCARTMAN:
Many on this board are too accepting of Chryst's decision to bolt after only three years at PITT. PC quit on his commitment to this University and to the PITT players. I put this guy in the same category as T. Graham. He left us in a bind in the 11th hour and moved on our recruits.

Please stop the lovefest for this guy.
None of us knows what would have happened if Chryst had remained at Pitt, but do you think that any of us knows how Narduzzi will do here at Pitt? College football and basketball are littered with the corpses of coaches who looked like they would be great when they were hired, but turned out otherwise.
Colin, the Pathfinder you didn't to worry were you parked or if someone were to steal, the Lexus is like my hot wife..

Of course what you say is true. However, if Pitt was willing to throw a couple of coaches out that tied for first place in the Big East their last season at Pitt [before being discarded] have to be willing to gamble on replacing a lifetime head coach that was .500. If nothing else, the new coach speaks better, shows a ton of enthusiasm, and really appears excited to be in Pittsburgh. I'll take those chracteristics and bet he leaves Pittsburgh with far better than a .500 record. Hail to PItt!

Pretty sad and insecure way to approach life [or your vehicle, etc.]--although does seem to be the attitude of many Pitt fans. Go for the best you can possibly afford...that's what insurance is for:) Hail to Pitt!
Re: Reply

Originally posted by Pitt-Chains:
Colin, I'm with you.

OT car talk, Nissan, I've owned 5, best vehicles ever.
Big time Pitt-Chains. A few years back, my brother owned a Nissan Xterra which was given to him after the previous owner and friend wrecked and ran it into the ground,(or so he thought). My brother had it a couple of years and deemed it unsuitable to continue driving, as it was leaking oil. He also said he'd never drive it out of the Washington dc area and ended up buying a new Audi. He gave it to me as I was in the market for a 3rd vehicle since my son was in his mid-teens and driving soon. I thought if I got 2 years out of it, so be it. Fast forward; 5 years later and the Nissan has yet to break down and has made 15 round trips to Pittsburgh and back from Maryland over a 18 month period. He's looking to replace his Audi.
Re: Reply

My favorite, 2003 Altima, was really freaky fast and got me in a little trouble several times.. Sad to say, I drove it like I stole it for 152,000 miles... Had a son... Nissan Murano... Man I miss that car.. I'm still a bit of pedal pusher when I'm by myself.. Murano can cruise at 125..
Re: Reply

Todd Graham spoke better, showed lots of high octane enthusiasm, and appeared excited to be anywhere. He, too, left with a .500 record at Pitt.
Re: Reply

Originally posted by PITTLAW:
Pretty sad and insecure way to approach life [or your vehicle, etc.]--although does seem to be the attitude of many Pitt fans. Go for the best you can possibly afford...that's what insurance is for:) Hail to Pitt!
If [/B]you are referring to my post, you missed the point entirely and your comment is an inappropriate one (if directed at me). My post was a tongue in cheek one and should be viewed as such.
Dead On Cap I'll take Pitt's fortunes over Ped State's Creepy Valley show

any day

BTW that is about to change. Pitt is already rising

Hail to Pitt
Re: Reply

Agree with you guys--the Nissan brands are GREAT cars. I've had 3 straight Infiniti Ms over the past 10 years, my wife has had 2 Muranos and currently has a loaded Nissan Quest. Zero trips to the dealership for anything other than maintenance and upkeep. The cars are stylish, comfortable and roomy, and have all kinds of well-thought out features.

After 10 years in Infiniti Ms, for variety's sake I just leased a Lexus GS350. I have been very disappointed in the car and I regret going away from Infiniti.

So here's hoping Narduzzi is more like a BMW or Infiniti than a Lexus.
Pitt was the PERFECT school for PC and Todd

At how many other program could a coach get credit for going 6-6? If Narduzzi goes 8-4 he should get offers to be head coach of ND, Bama, Texas, USC and Michigan.

This post was edited on 2/23 11:52 AM by HailtoPitt
Re: Reply

Badby2, we are thinking of a Quest in addition to the Murano.

Narduzzi, I'm thinking full size Escalade.. American nameplate.
PITTLAW you crack me up

You chastise people for constantly harping on past coaches, and there you go again singing the praises of someone whose high water mark was a 3rd place finish in a watered down Dig East and a tire Bowl victory.

You are really considering the 2010 season a banner year? If so you have incredibly low standards and wouldn't last a day working for me at my firm.

First, I am more than capable of replying to the correct post...unlike many here. So NO, my response was not directed to you. Second, my comments were far from inappropriate. There are plenty of people that have an inferiority complex when it comes to all things Pitt...including retaining coaches, etc. Glad you enjoy Nissan...but I think Pitt can do far better than that. Hail to Pitt!