South Oakland?

OK. So, does anyone think Pitt should buy every single South Oakland house over the next 50 or so years? They can rent them out until they have enough of them to demolish and build a new neighborhood along with new education buildings. If not, what is SO going to look like in 50 years? It has the strange dynamic of a low-income neighborhood but since it is so close to Pitt, landlords can do the bare minimum and make good rental income. If there was no major university next to it, SO would either be a low-income slum.
some brutal homes in south Oakland, or Central Oakland which I despise referring it as but we'll save that for another thread... My older brother lived on semple and atwood his jr and senior year, 1992 and 1993, I drove by both places not to long ago and I'd be very confident in saying very little if any work has been done on these places since then. I'd almost bet the porch furniture is the same.. places will be condemned sooner or later. I am sure our beloved city will fight tooth and nail to have any pitt owned buildings go up though, need that tax revenue..

Yea but that's 20, 30, 50 years down the road. They did this on a smaller scale with Bouquet Gardens. How did that happen?

If Pitt owned all of South Oakland, I am sure a deal could be reached to demolish the buildings and build "tax-free" buildings. Pitt could sell off some land to private developers and since everything will be new and nice, those properties would be worth more so Pgh could make up for some of the tax revenue losses. The firsr step is owning everything.