Upper middle class. Yea, for me, its about a break-even. We arent one percenters or lower middle class, the 2 groups who win in this new plan.
You're right not all wealthy folks will be able to deduct donations. But many more wealthy folks will be able to deduct them than upper middle class because they pay more in property tax and donate more on average
First of all low - med- high middle class aren't the people making large donations. They donate to causes including U's because they want to. Most of these families will end up better off than they were so donations will continue!
You're listening to the "fake news" outlets who want the middle class low to high end to feel left out.
Already under Trump we're experiencing 3%+ GDP growth (3.3% in the last Q) which "The Obama" never came close to.
Jobs are back, middle class wages are increasing, housing purchases are up, people on foodstamps is down, the labor participation rate is improving, the unemployment rate is down, the stock market is at record levels, companies are expanding, businesses are moving jobs back to the US, other businesses are announcing business starts in the US for the first time in a long time, illegal immigration is down, So Don't Worry Middle Class People Will Still Be Able to Make Their Donations As In The Past!
In our area of PA Eastern PA it was just reported in the news that there's a shortage of homes due to new homebuyers, and a shortage of workers to fill the newly added jobs.
Some of us ( Mrs Buffett & I included) who are politically active are questioning why anyone should be on unemployment in the Lehigh Valley when there's a shortage of workers???
Of course some people will always be unemployed its the generational unemployed families who have made an "industry" out of government handouts but most should be able to find jobs!
Our proposal ( 4 pt summary) that we're working thru county gov't. and up to Harrisburg PA is:
-26 wks max unemployment benefits
-required monthly job seeking activity which must be documented. If job seeking activity doesnt take place unemployment benefits are terminated.
-reasons why job aren't accepted when offered
-approval must granted to stay on unemployment more than the 26 wks max