Spring Football Info, LINKS!


Dec 25, 2006
Why Do We Have Spring Practice?
So there is something odd and maybe even anachronistic about “spring practice.” Obviously, no coach is ever going to vote against less practice, but why spring? And, given that it is in the spring, how important is it to player development? .....................
..............But spring practice was likely most changed by Bear Bryant, first at Kentucky then Texas A&M and later Alabama, as he used the distance from the upcoming season for one primary advantage: It gave his players time to heal. Bryant’s approach to spring practice was to treat them as boot camp, with war on the near horizon: “If a man’s going to quit,” once said the Bear, “I want him to quit in practice, not in a game.”................Go To Link To Read Why More........


What College Coaches Really Think of Spring Football
.............Now each coach conducts his spring practice is like having a batting stance: Everyone does it a little differently. What they all want, though, is to come out better prepared for the chaos of the regular season.......................However, practices have to have an element of fun. There's too much hard work being put in for there not to be. Narduzzi likes to blast music and run around with his team. It's not a good day if he's not sweating. Standing around with a clipboard is the "old-school way of doing it," he said. "We're new school." ...............
..........Players Developing on Their Own:
There's only so much coaches can do during spring. That's a technicality. The NCAA allows coaches 20 hours a week to work with players and up to 15 spring practices. Beyond that, players are on their own. If they want to stay after practice and run routes, that's on them. If they want to watch film outside of meetings, it's their time. But that's when the real growth occurs.


What do college football players do between spring and fall practice?
After spring ball ends in April or early May, most coaches around the country will give their players a break from the meetings, practices, and film study that occurred throughout the semester. Coaches realize that it is crucial for a student-athlete to have the time to study for exams, some of which can be cumulative over 30-plus chapters of a textbook. Most college coaches were former student-athletes themselves and realize the struggle of finals week...................

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