There is always talk of stadiums here...campus, off campus, sharing, non-sharing....
I blasted someone last week for referring to Heinz Field as the "Steeler's stadium" and they backed off.
But since i went to see the Browns/broncos game yesterday and since we do playin a stadium in which pro's also play, I thought I might give a run down of what i experienced in NE Ohio yesterday.
That way, we can at least have some comparison as to what we would face if we had to play in that venue.
I blasted someone last week for referring to Heinz Field as the "Steeler's stadium" and they backed off.
But since i went to see the Browns/broncos game yesterday and since we do playin a stadium in which pro's also play, I thought I might give a run down of what i experienced in NE Ohio yesterday.
That way, we can at least have some comparison as to what we would face if we had to play in that venue.
- I did not like it, nor did I hate it.
- If you don't like yellow seats, orange seats won't get you aroused either
- Much steeper than Heinz and thus taller.
- Once inside, all you can see is the stadium, so i will concur with the Rooney's that enclosing Heinz would have wasted an opportunity to look at a beautiful city and her beautiful hills.
- Sat in the club section yesterday. Lots of options, but no better than Heinz and again, the view away from the stadium in Cleveland is limited because of the lake and the road infrastructure
- good sight lines everywhere but hard to blow those things in modern football stadiums
- 2 big scoreboards are excellent but hard to spot down and distance stats.....
- browns fans get an A from me. first, they show up. second, apart from the expected spattering of sh!tfaced drunks, nothing was out of hand...
- Security upon entering is much better configured than Heinz....especially that maze of wire fences on the "open" end of heinz.
- First Energy is uniqueness to it. it would be a terrible place for a college game because I am sure students would be placed only in the upper deck. First energy is truly 3 tiered and the distance of the upper deck from the field would isolate students.
- Last comment......maybe it was the Browns or maybe it was the Broncos, but the NFL game is dull. My seat cost $236 dollars for one game. i didn't pay that but someone did. Glad it ain't students, bands, dance teams and cheerleaders make a big difference. The pro game is so damn predictable!