If we pay $10 million to buy him out, Gallagher has to go. He is responsible for Barnes, who was responsible for reducing Dixon's buyout and hiring Stallings.
If we pay a full $10 million, and I doubt we do, I just dont see how we can hire a no-name mid-major who won't sell tickets. We may just have to give up and be held hostage by Barnes's contract special until the buyout is more reasonable.
Honestly, I think Pitt should sue Barnes and the search firm.
Maybe if Stallings stays they can drastically reduce prices to say $100 for the season, everything GA outside of the clubbies. That way they'd probably sell 15K or so ensuring attendance of maybe 5k-6K for ACC games.
A $ 10 mill buyout might make economic sense and I sure hope Pitt has people other than those who had a hand in hiring Stalling performing this analysis.
As I mentioned in a prior thread the $ 10 mill buyout is coming from somewhere.No matter how you look at it, it's money that won't be available for other sports which hurts overall Pitt athletics.
If the proper job was done in hiring Stalling this waste of money wouldn't be necessary.
Gallagher is responsible for managing the
entire univerisity not just the academic components or the areas where he feels comfortable.
Pitt Leadership has failed miserably in the area of managing Pitt athletics specifically revenue sports.
Here's my worry.
Since revenue sports is the one areas that Pitt Leadership has been unable to manage properly for many years, maybe they'll do what alot of businesses do when they have a business segment that they don't manage properly get rid of it??
IMO PItt is heading in the direction of eliminating football and basketball and just having Oympic sports. The new AD Lyke has experience in managing non revenue sports.
Pitt makes no money on football and basketball.
Only a small component of the fanbase supports both sports.
They don't have a Leadership Team with the compentencies to manage those sports.
In short it's to much trouble and effort to waste time on either sport so getting rid of both down the road makes sense.
"its' five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!