Oh Haley deserved to be fired. In fact, the clown should have never been hired. Pretty telling in the coaching starved NFL, he is not coaching anywhere this year. The only reason, and remember it was ArtII who hired him, was because his dad was a long time coach here. Then you have Butler, who was Lebeau's caddy, he would never even smell a coordinator on any other NFL team (and that says a lot because there are so many poorly run franchises) and somehow he maintains his job.
The drafting and identifying of talent, especially on the defensive side has been horrid. That's on Colbert and Tomlin.
I remember during the 90's, Bob Smizik and his geriatric sect in the local media (which includes Ed Bouchette) derided the Penguins and their "country club" atmosphere, and the "FOM", Friends Of Mario. Meanwhile, still today I hear Bouchette tout "the Steelers Way" like it is some kind of holy shrine of greatness. Hey Ed, the "country club" franchise has 5 rings over the last 30 years compare with "the Steelers Way" two rings.
And that's just the thing. Finally the Steelers moved up to get Devin Bush. But they could have traded AB to New England for a 1st and a 3rd. Now he is at New England and the Steelers got a 3rd and a 5th. Brilliant!!! Because that is it, the Steelers and "the Steelers Way" might be okay to compete, with 30 other teams, but not New England. And the Steelers seem unwilling to change and do whatever it takes (remember that phrase to older Steelers fans?) to beat New England.