This is correct. These are the steps in the conversion to a true oligarchy or as Chris Hedges calls it, "warlord capitalism". I've also heard it called corporatism.
The plan is to tank the economy through tariffs and mass unemployment. Interest rates drop, stocks become much cheaper. The oligarchs buy low and become richer. They gain even more power and influence.
Remember Elon Musk's own words before the election:
Most importantly, we have to reduce spending to live within our means. That does really involve temporary hardship but it will ensure long term prosperity."
Now, clearly those "temporary hardships" will be felt on Main St and not by the oligarchs.
This is a great article, written a month before the election. It's so spot-on. This all happening in plain sight.
There is a civil war within capitalism. Kamala Harris is the face of corporate power. Donald Trump is the mascot of the oligarchs. Either way, we lose.
You cheerleaders have your eyes closed. There is a reason Trump isn't mass-tweeting about how great the economy is and will be. He is trying to tank it this time.