Here is another thought that shows you how the Canadian Old Guard lacks logic, or is just stupid. Pretty much any high stick if seen is automatically called. I am not going to say "zero tolerance" but it is pretty close. Even to the point that alot of high sticking calls are totally bogus because they were either near misses or the stick hitting a players face is from their own teammate in a battle along the boards or faceoff circle. And that's fine, it is acceptable because they are trying to protect the players from sticks in the face and head, no matter how accidental. THEN......on the same, they pretty much accept cross checking to the head, which is completely intentional, not accidental and just as potentially dangerous. How insane is that? They make probably 9 out of 10 high stick calls, real or imagined, most accidental. The make probably 3 out of 10 cross checks to the head calls, which are all intentional.