The genius that is Brennan Marion

Then you see the idiocy of thinking the coordinator hire has anything to do with his decision.

It was a business decision, and a chance to play in LA with Caleb.

So you think Lou and GT beat us with Addison?

And I've said many times it is certainly possible that Addison would have went to USC even if Marion got the job but had he been happier/more satisfied with his situation with Pitt, perhaps he tells Pitt how much money he needs to not go to LA, we match, and that is that.

Its like this. You get a new boss you dont like and at the same time some other company is recruiting you and a lot of things about the new boss and new company are to your liking, including a significant raise. However, had your old company hired a good work colleague of yours as your new boss, you would feel more comfortable going to him and saying Company X is offering me a big raise to leave. Can you match that because if you can, I'll stay?
Lol. Talent is what works well in college football. That's the main issue with the offense.
There is no room for common sense on a college message board. Monitors...any way to ban this guy or at least put him in a "timeout" for a few weeks?
I was 100% fine with not promoting him after 2021. We had a "win now" team, so it made sense not to roll the dice on someone who had never done it at this level before. And then his shenanigans on social media were just the icing on the cake.

Does it look bad now? Of course. But that doesn't make it the wrong decision at the time. Hiring Cignetti was obviously the wrong decision, but that doesn't mean not hiring Marion was.

I'd love to give Marion a look now, with a year of G5 experience under his belt, but I assume that ship has sailed, capsized, and spontaneously combusted.
Yeah nailed it. Pitt along with 130 schools or maybe more didn’t hire him as the OC for 22 and then no P5 schools did for 23.

There really wasn’t a lot of information at the time to say he would’ve been a good picK. And then he acted like a child when he didn’t get it, so that validated the decision.

But Cignetti then…wtf!?!? What an all time bad hire.
Maybe the LA based schools don’t want the kids that are going to Texas? If I had the option of going to either, Texas is out. Beaches and beautiful 18-20 year-olds as far as the eye can see? Yes, please.
I promise you the amount of accessible women to athletes is the same in Austin as it is in LA.

It's not like these guys have a bunch of downtime to survey the lot.

I've been to both cities multiple times. Austin isn't lacking with attractive women. It might not have beaches but it's a helluva lot cleaner and safer then LA. And that NIL money gets stretched a lot more in Austin then it does in LA.
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I promise you the amount of accessible women to athletes is the same in Austin as it is in LA.

It's not like these guys have a bunch of downtime to survey the lot.

I've been to both cities multiple times. Austin isn't lacking with attractive women. It might not have beaches but it's a helluva lot cleaner and safer then LA. And that NIL money gets stretched a lot more in Austin then it does in LA.
This is 100% correct
I promise you the amount of accessible women to athletes is the same in Austin as it is in LA.

It's not like these guys have a bunch of downtime to survey the lot.

I've been to both cities multiple times. Austin isn't lacking with attractive women. It might not have beaches but it's a helluva lot cleaner and safer then LA. And that NIL money gets stretched a lot more in Austin then it does in LA.

Its part lifestyle though. I was in Santa Monica this summer and literally saw 3 USC Basketball players on that pier amusement park thing. The beach + young attractive women, who all wear thong bikinis now is a big selling point
It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Marion, and he’ll be at a top school as an OC soon enough. He’s just a shooting star in the coaching ranks, and Pitt was lucky to have him for the short time they did. I still can’t believe he wanted the OC job so much, he was telling recruits he was the guy and Narduzzi said hold up, I got this guy Frank Cignetti, and he’s way better.
Crazy right! We let the young up and comer go for the retread schmuck of an OC! Kudos to BM!

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