The importance of Donald Commitment


All Conference
Jan 15, 2015
Many places. but not all
If Elliott Donald had not selected Pitt, the doomsayer's would have taken the green light and spewed every negative possible.
It's human nature.
But Elliott chose Pitt and here is why I see it as the biggest signing since Dan Marino.
We have the NFLs premiere defensive player, IN HIS PRIME, with a nephew who could have gone anywhere.
That publicity is worth it's weight in gold.
Next, Pitt has longed to create a sense of commitment from its athlete grads to steer their sons and daughters to Pitt. It hasn't happened for the most part.
Aaron Donald has been financially great to Pitt and has put considerable money where his mouth is. Money is one thing, but blood is another.
This is big.
I avoid the debates on whether the ACC will or will not have a fall season. So much depends upon the Governor. I don't live in PA and have to admit I think little of its Government...from Governor on down.
But season or not, this builds a sense of tradition that extends beyond the dollar.
I don’t follow too much recruiting, but this definitely seems like a big deal. Perhaps this will be a turning point for local kids choosing Pitt going forward.
Getting a potential great D line man is nothing like getting a franchise QB.
If going 19-16 as a starting QB is your idea of a "franchise" QB, you guys must be owners of the Browns.
Tyler was a tough guy for sure, but he was not a college standout. Probably would have been a better safety given his toughness.
If going 19-16 as a starting QB is your idea of a "franchise" QB, you guys must be owners of the Browns.
Tyler was a tough guy for sure, but he was not a college standout. Probably would have been a better safety given his toughness.
you think I was talking about Palko ? lol
I was talking about future QB's.
Palko was good but you know.
since Marino?

By that logic why wouldn't you include Anthony Dorsett?
Dorsett was probably the biggest recruit in Pitt history. The team was coming off a losing record new coach crappie facilities and he lead them to an NC. And as far as I am concerned he is the greatest football player ever. Marino, Green and all the others were products of Dorsett’s and teammates accomplishments. There was another high profile recruit Ed someone who came with Tony.
Dorsett was probably the biggest recruit in Pitt history. The team was coming off a losing record new coach crappie facilities and he lead them to an NC. And as far as I am concerned he is the greatest football player ever. Marino, Green and all the others were products of Dorsett’s and teammates accomplishments. There was another high profile recruit Ed someone who came with Tony.
Ed Wilamowski, DE from Hopewell
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Steel curtain is referring to Anthony Dorsett Jr who was not a high profile recruit. He was probably a bigger recruit for the track team. He played football and ran track all of his years. Majors was a big proponent of that. I ran on the distance team. He looked more like a distance runner his freshman year. I doubt he hit 160lbs. In the next year he transformed his body and looked absolutely ripped. The family bloodlines kicked in. He had a pretty good football and track career at Pitt. However that talent allowed him to catch on at the next level and play for Dallas for years. I remember him well because my friends referred to me as AD, while he also went by AD as opposed to Tony Dorsett or Jr.
Dorsett was probably the biggest recruit in Pitt history. The team was coming off a losing record new coach crappie facilities and he lead them to an NC. And as far as I am concerned he is the greatest football player ever. Marino, Green and all the others were products of Dorsett’s and teammates accomplishments. There was another high profile recruit Ed someone who came with Tony.

Would it be more accurate to say he was the best player and not biggest recruit?

Was Dorsett as sought after as Bill Fralic, Brian Davis, or Dan Marino?
Would it be more accurate to say he was the best player and not biggest recruit?

Was Dorsett as sought after as Bill Fralic, Brian Davis, or Dan Marino?
I don’t know but if Pitt became Fordham or Yale then none those players would have never went to Pitt.
If going 19-16 as a starting QB is your idea of a "franchise" QB, you guys must be owners of the Browns.
Tyler was a tough guy for sure, but he was not a college standout. Probably would have been a better safety given his toughness.

You’re looking back with 20-20 hindsight.

Palko was a huge QB recruit at the time. Donald is a highly ranked recruit. But he isn’t a super recruit, and he’s a legacy.

Palko was the bigger recruit. And a local super QB recruit that turns away the big boys for Pitt would be a bigger perception changing recruit than a DL recruit whose family is tied into the program.

Just look at the National media headlines this week. The 5* safety that committed Miami is causing the articles to be written that you’re talking about. Donald isn’t, and won’t. That’s the kinda battle we have to win.

I agree he was an important get to avoid the panic. But he’s not the kind of get that is going to lead to a windfall. Hell, Ford would have been that recruit before Donald.
Would it be more accurate to say he was the best player and not biggest recruit?

Was Dorsett as sought after as Bill Fralic, Brian Davis, or Dan Marino?

Coach Majors downplayed the hell out the abilities of that little running back in order to keep him away from other schools. Once he signed the entire coaching staff went wild, they knew what they were getting and TD never disappointed!
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