The Pittsburgh Steelers 2015 Predictions!


Dec 25, 2006
Did pretty good last year predicting a 11 Win Season and Playoffs! Although I love the Steeler's offense and it will be formidable, score-able, and prolific once all Players are back from suspension, I cannot say the same for the Defense. The Steelers waited way too long to rebuild and replace Defensive Players. The same with keeping the DC Coordinator around too long and when they did let him go, they did it poorly and undeserving I might add.

Mike Tomlin is finally on his own and this is his Team and his Way. Panic at Defense is already here as Steelers are picking up Players from the Waiver Cut Wires as Teams cut Players that can't make their squads. The Steelers went with Top Linebackers in their Drafts over Defensive Backs and now some are working out as others are proving to be Busts.

They follow the Seattle Seahawks Defense whereby Linebackers can cover, stop the run, and pressure the QBs.The Raven's on the other hand went with Defensive Backs so we shall see if Harbaugh or Tomlin did the right things this and upcoming season. The Ravens are aging on Offense, the Bengals have Dalton perhaps one of the bigger chokers in the league, and the Browns are still the Browns!

Moreover, the Steelers changing Defensive Coaches and Players and expecting them to pressure the QB, stop the runs, and cover the pass to pick up more turnovers just seems like a task too far to achieve by this young Team. I cannot see that happening in 2015 or 2016 for that matter.

The Steelers on Defense remind me of the Players in the 1980s whereby most were followers not leaders. This was expected when such greats and legend retire from the 1970s. The game in the 1990s changed too whereby passing dominates now not running and why Cowher too over for Noll. At least Cowher made Players play to see if they could contribute instead of keeping and teaching them on the Roster for years like Nill did, and when they couldn't he dumped them and replaced them.

Consequently, I see the same for Tomlin's fate whereby the Steelers had to bring back Harrison and Keisel last year just to garner leadership lacking in the younger players. I see nothing showing me these young players are leading anywhere and all look confused. I do think Shazier and Timmons will be great but I see nothing on the Defensive Line except Heyward and little less in the Backfield and that is just not enough for a Complete Defense. I see big plays all year long killing the Steelers Defense. Losing the Field Goal Kicker could not have happen at the right time either.

In Closing, this will have to be Tomlin &Staff best Coaching year and i just think they are not up to it on Defense and Special Teams. The Steelers will score 24 to 35 Points a game, but expect they will give up 35 to 40 too!

Steeler's Schedule 2015 Predictions:

@NEW ENGLAND: 37-24 LOST 0-1
Lights out for the Steelers even if they score 24 points that will not be enough!

Harbaugh went back to Michigan and the Players are happy he is gone. They will play better too as the Steelers still miss Matavis and Bell at Home but the Defense gets worse not better!

Tough game to call, but the Steelers will have wish they drafted Pitt Aaron Donald but the game depends on how Saint Louis's QB plays. Special Teams let the Steelers down too!

The other Harbaugh hates the Steelers but has the Defense to keep the Steelers minus some players down too and just enough to get pass the defense. The Special Teams also keep heading south and misses the crossbars. Injuries mount up too!

@SAN DIEGO 35-32 LOST 0-5
Normally this could be a win for the Steelers but traveling to the West Coast always drains the Steelers and the Defense just keeps looking horrible.

ARIZONA 29-27 LOST 0-6
Bruce Arians is a friend of Charles Richard "Dick" LeBeau and not a friend of Tomlin! Big Ben gives it his best but th3 Defense just stinks! Even with Bell and Matavis back?

They like to run and they will run all over the Steelers and just enough to barely win!

One can always count on the Bengals to lose when they are expected to win in Pittsburgh!

OAKLAND 33-28 WIN 2-7
Thank goodness Big Ben wins big enough to beat the Raiders!

Only Cleveland will find a way to lose to the Steelers as any of their QBs will make big mistakes and the Defense actually causes some Turnovers or will it be the bad play of Cleveland QBs? No knows or care by now?

@SEATTLE 23-25 LOST 3-8
Pete Carroll sent his son to Pitt, but won't let up Steelers Offense or Defense. The Game is closer than expected because Seattle takes the Steelers lightly!

Oliver Luck son, Andrew won't forget how he lost at Pittsburgh and the Steelers Defense will still stink as Tomlin explains why they must focus better in games? WVU Fans fill up half of Heinz Field and think it is a Win for them?

Steelers just out play them again. No one cares by now anyway?

DENVER 31-29 WIN 5-9
Only one other Player stays too long as a QB in the NFL and that is Peyton manning. Love him, but he gets tired and old every year about now during the winds of November? Heinz is almost empty!

@BALTIMORE LOST 45-37 5-10
Harbaugh and Flacco will pour it on and won't let up! Tomlin apologizes for the big loss.

@CLEVELAND WIN 33-31 6-10
Talk of Tomlin being fired won't matter. Stadiums will be empty! Rooneys will stay one more year with Tomlin as Butler is Fired!

I really think the Steelers are ready for a Super Bowl Run, but just on Offense, the Defense will be awful all year long and the Dummies that Smoke Grass and get suspended can't run on Grass or Turf that offsets the Offense early in the season.

Thus, overcoming a 0-4 start just wipes out the season. Hope smoking and getting caught was worth it, but Steelers Defense will need a New DC Coach by next year, and Head Coach the following year as Steelers fans start to go to Pitt games to see some Football!

I hope I am dead wrong too, I take no joy in seeing a Top 3 Offense and last place Defense with Mediocre Special Teams in an empty Stadium, it reminds me of Penn State dominating Temple prediction?
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Too many consecutive years of horrific draft choices on defense have left the Steelers virtually defenseless. What makes it tragic is that the Steelers have one of the league's better offenses, and they'd be a Super Bowl contender if they even had a middle-of-the-road defense.

I'll join LeftCoastPanther and say 8-8, but an early injury to Big Ben would torpedo that prediction.
8-8. This defense could be the steelers worst defense dating back to some of the noll years. Actually, despite very mediocre teams in late 80's, Chuck always had a decent defense.. I literally cant recall a less talented defense for the steelers in my lifetime. If we don't find a 3rd WR, this defense goes from dynamic to slightly above average. Take Bell out for 2 games, and well, yeah, 8 and 8..
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Good call on the defense Cap! Why is it that I can't even get excited about the team or pro ball this year? Perhaps the problem played etc. have burned me out. Ha, ha
Thanks just a hunch the Steelers will struggle on Defense and like I said, I hope I am dead wrong. I was really high on this Team and felt they have all the Players on offense ready to win a Super Bowl. Yet, the Defense just looks awful and although that was Tomlin's Specialty he was not in charge as much as Dick Lebeau was and they now need a transitional time to transform just like WVU needed a few years ago, and PITT today. One or two First Round Draft Busts and losing some mighty fine Players to Free Agency after you put so much work into them can really hurt the team too. The NFL game is looking more and more like Canadian Football where defenses exists on a hope and pray as the rules favor the offenses.

Few know it, but what got Chuck Noll fired was three things:

1. Three River Stadium 10,000 No Shows:
The Steelers still sold out the Stadium and were winning but were not the same Championship Caliber Team, so Steeler fans started not to go to the Games. The average about 10,000 No Shows and after a few years, even the Rooneys knew Noll had to go! Few have noticed but the Steelers had empty seats in last year and especially in this years Preseason. In fact, the entire NFL had many games with sparse fans in the Preseason. People are realizing the burden, cost, and time to go to games as opposed to watching it on TV that gets better every year, from Ipads and Phones!

2. Going With Defense Over Marino:
Chuck chose to rebuild the 1980s Steelers starting with a Defensive Tackle just like he did in the late 1960s. Chuck admitted his mistake not seeing that the game was favoring the Offenses more and more each year. The DT Gabe Rivera also had the same problem all young men make that grow rich and decided drinking was more important than training and crashed one night putting himself in wheel chair for life. I often saw him at the Sewickley Hotel and credit him for still enjoying life over such misjudgment that led to the tragedy. However, Marion went on to greatness in the NFL but never won a Super Bowl. Cowher had a chance to grab Marino way back in the early 1990s when Jimmy Johnson wanted to dump him, but the Steelers had 6th Round Pick Kornell Stewart the famous slash at the time. A Trade could have happen but didn't. Kornell just never had the heart of a winner and was later replaced by O'Donnell that did not have all the skills of a First rate QB either even with a great team around him. He blew the Super Bowl throwing two interceptions twice right to DB and cost that game. Both the Steelers and Marino would have benefited if they had been together and why the Steelers finally pulled the lever and went for a Top QB and got Big Ben.

3. Cheap QB Drafting:
Dan and Art II Rooney acknowledged another major mistake that kept the Steelers from the Super Bowl was choosing Quarterbacks on the cheap after the first round. Although they chose Mark Malone he never panned out and was overrated after Terry Bradshaw retired. They went after Bubby Brister, Neil Kennedy O'Donnell, and Kordell Stewart all 3rd Round Picks or afterwards. They were in hopes of finding another Joe Montana but none panned out. They also sought Back-Ups like David Woodley, Todd Blackledge, Mike Tomczak, and Tommy Maddox. None had the heart and abilities of Big Ben. Big Ben keeps showing his skills, heart, and abilities and has a great Offensive Team around him! It now up to Tomlin and Butler to compliment him with a Defense? Sure, Big Ben made stupid mistakes early in career but that guy is a Top QB that flat out can play and loves the game.

In just think losing a great Field Goal Kicker will hurt the Steelers Offense too.
amazing on how much stock you guys seem to put into the preseason....and 11 win playoff team with yes, the same below average defense, all of the sudden is a modern day John McCay Tampa Bay Bucs squad.....
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I'm going with an 8-8 record.
This would actually be a pretty good season if they went 8-8 with such a schedule and the toughness facing them in the first 8 games? If Tomlin and Butler are great coaches and can rebuild the Defense by Mid-Season I would consider this a great record and next year would be far better.

Yet, I just don't see how they can sack or put pressure on the QBs, have nothing (Missing Casey Hampton and Missed Taking Aaron Donald) in the middle to stop the run, went with hopes and prays with little Defensive Backs, some First Round Busts at Linebackers, and now switching to New Younger players that seem to lack the drive, intensity and leadership they had so long under older players now gone?

If the Offense can play Ball Control this may help the Defense, but right now i see little hope of them being good in anyway until they put it all together and that is going to take all year long to do it?

We shall see?
Did pretty good last year predicting a 11 Win Season and Playoffs! Although I love the Steeler's offense and it will be formidable, score-able, and prolific once all Players are back from suspension, I cannot say the same for the Defense. The Steelers waited way too long to rebuild and replace Defensive Players. The same with keeping the DC Coordinator around too long and when they did let him go, they did it poorly and undeserving I might add.

Mike Tomlin is finally on his own and this is his Team and his Way. Panic at Defense is already here as Steelers are picking up Players from the Waiver Cut Wires as Teams cut Players that can't make their squads. The Steelers went with Top Linebackers in their Drafts over Defensive Backs and now some are working out as others are proving to be Busts.

They follow the Seattle Seahawks Defense whereby Linebackers can cover, stop the run, and pressure the QBs.The Raven's on the other hand went with Defensive Backs so we shall see if Harbaugh or Tomlin did the right things this and upcoming season. The Ravens are aging on Offense, the Bengals have Dalton perhaps one of the bigger chokers in the league, and the Browns are still the Browns!

Moreover, the Steelers changing Defensive Coaches and Players and expecting them to pressure the QB, stop the runs, and cover the pass to pick up more turnovers just seems like a task too far to achieve by this young Team. I cannot see that happening in 2015 or 2016 for that matter.

The Steelers on Defense remind me of the Players in the 1980s whereby most were followers not leaders. This was expected when such greats and legend retire from the 1970s. The game in the 1990s changed too whereby passing dominates now not running and why Cowher too over for Noll. At least Cowher made Players play to see if they could contribute instead of keeping and teaching them on the Roster for years like Nill did, and when they couldn't he dumped them and replaced them.

Consequently, I see the same for Tomlin's fate whereby the Steelers had to bring back Harrison and Keisel last year just to garner leadership lacking in the younger players. I see nothing showing me these young players are leading anywhere and all look confused. I do think Shazier and Timmons will be great but I see nothing on the Defensive Line except Heyward and little less in the Backfield and that is just not enough for a Complete Defense. I see big plays all year long killing the Steelers Defense. Losing the Field Goal Kicker could not have happen at the right time either.

In Closing, this will have to be Tomlin &Staff best Coaching year and i just think they are not up to it on Defense and Special Teams. The Steelers will score 24 to 35 Points a game, but expect they will give up 35 to 40 too!

Steeler's Schedule 2015 Predictions:

@NEW ENGLAND: 37-24 LOST 0-1
Lights out for the Steelers even if they score 24 points that will not be enough!

Harbaugh went back to Michigan and the Players are happy he is gone. They will play better too as the Steelers still miss Matavis and Bell at Home but the Defense gets worse not better!

Tough game to call, but the Steelers will have wish they drafted Pitt Aaron Donald but the game depends on how Saint Louis's QB plays. Special Teams let the Steelers down too!

The other Harbaugh hates the Steelers but has the Defense to keep the Steelers minus some players down too and just enough to get pass the defense. The Special Teams also keep heading south and misses the crossbars. Injuries mount up too!

@SAN DIEGO 35-32 LOST 0-5
Normally this could be a win for the Steelers but traveling to the West Coast always drains the Steelers and the Defense just keeps looking horrible.

ARIZONA 29-27 LOST 0-6
Bruce Arians is a friend of Charles Richard "Dick" LeBeau and not a friend of Tomlin! Big Ben gives it his best but th3 Defense just stinks! Even with Bell and Matavis back?

They like to run and they will run all over the Steelers and just enough to barely win!

One can always count on the Bengals to lose when they are expected to win in Pittsburgh!

OAKLAND 33-28 WIN 2-7
Thank goodness Big Ben wins big enough to beat the Raiders!

Only Cleveland will find a way to lose to the Steelers as any of their QBs will make big mistakes and the Defense actually causes some Turnovers or will it be the bad play of Cleveland QBs? No knows or care by now?

@SEATTLE 23-25 LOST 3-8
Pete Carroll sent his son to Pitt, but won't let up Steelers Offense or Defense. The Game is closer than expected because Seattle takes the Steelers lightly!

Oliver Luck son, Andrew won't forget how he lost at Pittsburgh and the Steelers Defense will still stink as Tomlin explains why they must focus better in games? WVU Fans fill up half of Heinz Field and think it is a Win for them?

Steelers just out play them again. No one cares by now anyway?

DENVER 31-29 WIN 5-9
Only one other Player stays too long as a QB in the NFL and that is Peyton manning. Love him, but he gets tired and old every year about now during the winds of November? Heinz is almost empty!

@BALTIMORE LOST 45-37 5-10
Harbaugh and Flacco will pour it on and won't let up! Tomlin apologizes for the big loss.

@CLEVELAND WIN 33-31 6-10
Talk of Tomlin being fired won't matter. Stadiums will be empty! Rooneys will stay one more year with Tomlin as Butler is Fired!

I really think the Steelers are ready for a Super Bowl Run, but just on Offense, the Defense will be awful all year long and the Dummies that Smoke Grass and get suspended can't run on Grass or Turf that offsets the Offense early in the season.

Thus, overcoming a 0-4 start just wipes out the season. Hope smoking and getting caught was worth it, but Steelers Defense will need a New DC Coach by next year, and Head Coach the following year as Steelers fans start to go to Pitt games to see some Football!

I hope I am dead wrong too, I take no joy in seeing a Top 3 Offense and last place Defense with Mediocre Special Teams in an empty Stadium, it reminds me of Penn State dominating Temple prediction?
Cap - hate to say I agree with everything except they will never fire Tomlin - at least not until some REALLY horrific consecutive seasons.
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amazing on how much stock you guys seem to put into the preseason....and 11 win playoff team with yes, the same below average defense, all of the sudden is a modern day John McCay Tampa Bay Bucs squad.....
This why I put up the Predictions. I am more than happy seeing other opinions and glad to be wrong. Yet, they were picking up players just last week and still dealing with the youth movement where they are faster and younger but inexperience and had wide open holes all in the preseason as they make the transition to Butler?

I would love you to predict game by game and will not take offense in anyway for showing where I am wrong and I admit, I am no expert and know less than others.

I am here to learn and see if some others can educate me on why the Steeler's Defense will be better and would appreciate your insights!

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10-6. NFC North Champs. Lose first playoff game. All in all, good season.
If Bell and Matavis would be playing the first few games, I would have been far more confident, they are very important to the Steelers Game Plans as Game Changers!

Not only are they not playing against Top Teams the Steelers are facing, they will cause some adjusting problems when they comeback, by not starting the season. This goes for Pouncey too that got hurt again.

Had they been playing I think the Steelers could start out better and win 10+ games even as the Defense learns to rebuild and play to learn what to do under a New DC Butler?

Throw in Special Teams moves that required giving up a Draft Pick and the Steelers are doing everything possible to win big but will it work?

We shall see?
Cap - hate to say I agree with everything except they will never fire Tomlin - at least not until some REALLY horrific consecutive seasons.
The Heinz Field NO SHOWS will change that the Steelers will NEVER Fire Tomlin. I love and respect Tomlin and feel he is a very good coach. It is also not the fault of Tomlin that he was not allow to replace Lebeau until last year?

But Tomlin does not own the Steelers! Now we shall see how great Tomlin is going to show everyone with Butler and if he wins 10+ games, Tomlin will be here a long time, and should be too, in my opinion!

I just don't have the knowledge to see how Tomlin/Butler defense will come together so fast without some great Defensive Backs that they chose to pass up for Linebackers that need 2 to 3 years to get better and learn much more on Defensive Schemes?

The Raven chose First Round Defensive Backs that provide instant coverage if they are good. Linebackers have to learn to cover the run and pass and put pressure on the QB, and that takes time. Especially when the Defensive Line lacks a stopper like Keisel or Hampton? Part of the big problems with the Linebackers is actually the poor Defensive Line play and lack of players! The Steelers just have not Drafted and brought in DEs, DTs, and NTs needed to stuff up the run in the middle and off tackle? Heyward is great but cannot do it alone? As I see it?

If Tomlin can show a pretty good improving defense towards the end of the season, or win 10 Games Tomlin should stay, especially with all the injuries, rebuilding, new players, and very tough schedule!

The Steelers can still go 12-4 if the win most games by 35 points over beating teams that score 24 to 30 points, but those two Millionaire Pot Air Head in Bell and Matavis decided to put their brains into Grass instead of where they work to run and score on grass? I guess they think they were drafted by Potburgh?

So much for dedication that can be seen in Antonio Brown, Offensive Linemen, Timmons and Shazier, Miller and others that not only show up every day but play hurt and prepare to win every game?

Character counts except in New England!
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8-8. This defense could be the steelers worst defense dating back to some of the noll years. Actually, despite very mediocre teams in late 80's, Chuck always had a decent defense.. I literally cant recall a less talented defense for the steelers in my lifetime. If we don't find a 3rd WR, this defense goes from dynamic to slightly above average. Take Bell out for 2 games, and well, yeah, 8 and 8..
Hmmmnnn, we think alike but you said so much better and far more concise! The one benefit I see for the Steelers is that DC Butler can be near Pitt's Pat Narduzzi between practices, now there is where to get some reflections, advice, and learn together!!!! Nothing like company when rebuilding Defenses! Holgrosen may join in to if he is ever invited, but I don't think those guys like those Offensive Guys? Better that is a good brain to pick come to to think about it?
Just for more FYI no one at the Sports Books are picking the Steelers to have a losing season in 2015. This shows this is just my opinion, and a perhaps a poor one at that so bet accordingly on your own!

SportsLine's Week 1 NFL Power Ratings:
Team * Neutral Win % Wins

7th Pittsburgh 60.4 7.9

The AFC North is a true three-team race. SportsLine ranks the Steelers eighth, barely ahead of the Ravens. Cincinnati, which has made the playoffs four straight years and won the division in 2013, is ranked 13th

CBS Prisco Prediction;
23 Patriots
21 Steelers
I know Tom Brady will play in this game, and Le’Veon Bell and Martavis Bryant will not. But I think the Steelers will be ready for the Patriots here. I am bucking some trends since the Pats have won seven of 10 meetings since 2001, and all but one in New England. But something tells me Ben Roethlisberger will have a big night throwing it against a new-look Patriots secondary.

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Thanks just a hunch the Steelers will struggle on Defense and like I said, I hope I am dead wrong. I was really high on this Team and felt they have all the Players on offense ready to win a Super Bowl. Yet, the Defense just looks awful and although that was Tomlin's Specialty he was not in charge as much as Dick Lebeau was and they now need a transitional time to transform just like WVU needed a few years ago, and PITT today. One or two First Round Draft Busts and losing some mighty fine Players to Free Agency after you put so much work into them can really hurt the team too. The NFL game is looking more and more like Canadian Football where defenses exists on a hope and pray as the rules favor the offenses.

Few know it, but what got Chuck Noll fired was three things:

1. Three River Stadium 10,000 No Shows:
The Steelers still sold out the Stadium and were winning but were not the same Championship Caliber Team, so Steeler fans started not to go to the Games. The average about 10,000 No Shows and after a few years, even the Rooneys knew Noll had to go! Few have noticed but the Steelers had empty seats in last year and especially in this years Preseason. In fact, the entire NFL had many games with sparse fans in the Preseason. People are realizing the burden, cost, and time to go to games as opposed to watching it on TV that gets better every year, from Ipads and Phones!

2. Going With Defense Over Marino:
Chuck chose to rebuild the 1980s Steelers starting with a Defensive Tackle just like he did in the late 1960s. Chuck admitted his mistake not seeing that the game was favoring the Offenses more and more each year. The DT Gabe Rivera also had the same problem all young men make that grow rich and decided drinking was more important than training and crashed one night putting himself in wheel chair for life. I often saw him at the Sewickley Hotel and credit him for still enjoying life over such misjudgment that led to the tragedy. However, Marion went on to greatness in the NFL but never won a Super Bowl. Cowher had a chance to grab Marino way back in the early 1990s when Jimmy Johnson wanted to dump him, but the Steelers had 6th Round Pick Kornell Stewart the famous slash at the time. A Trade could have happen but didn't. Kornell just never had the heart of a winner and was later replaced by O'Donnell that did not have all the skills of a First rate QB either even with a great team around him. He blew the Super Bowl throwing two interceptions twice right to DB and cost that game. Both the Steelers and Marino would have benefited if they had been together and why the Steelers finally pulled the lever and went for a Top QB and got Big Ben.

Kordell didn't even start a game for Pittsburgh until 97, Marino was finished by then. O'Donnell started from 92 to 95 and Tomzcak started in 96. So Cowher actually chose O'Donnell over Marino.
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Kordell didn't even start a game for Pittsburgh until 97, Marino was finished by then. O'Donnell started from 92 to 95 and Tomzcak started in 96. So Cowher actually chose O'Donnell over Marino.
Kornell came in 1995 as a I think a 6th Round Pick, and for 3 years was consider a phenomenon playing a slash type of game as WR & QB, and could have been traded for a #1 Pick in my opinion.

Jimmy Johnson came to the Dolphins in 1996 and wanted to find another QB other than Marino due to limited mobility or whatever reason.

I recall at that time if the Steelers had traded Stewart for Marino the Steelers would have done better in my view. Marino was not finish until he retired in 2000 and even then considered joining the Vikings but chose to retire.

I just recall Stewart never having that Winning Attitude as a QB, in my opinion. He would throw and interception just walk off thw field like so what and did not care. If you ever see most Top QBs throw an Interception or make a mistake and then watch them on the sidelines, they are in rage and many just stay away until they kool down.

Slash from 1996 to 1999 was the talk of the NFL on potential and Miami Johnson wanted to find another QB in Miami for their future too. Therefore, there was between 1996 and 1999 a period of Stewart Rising and Marino Falling, but that is exactly what the Steelers needed since it had pretty good Team but needed a solid winning QB that Marino still was and thus a Trade was very possible, but did not happen.

The Steelers have said in Public they made mistake going for 2nd to 6th Round Draft Picks looking for a QB Gem in the Rough and now they learned when it is time to find a QB go with a Top First rounder like they did with Big Ben and Bradshaw!!
Pittsburgh will be 9-7/10-6. And I say that conceding that they will lose tonight. If they win tonight then maybe 11-5/12-4
Agree with this, and it's because the Browns and Bengals never have their sh*t together. They'll start poorly but somehow scrape enough wins together for a playoff spot. They'll lose, but the city will be satiated.

As far as tonight, everyone knows I'm big on conspiracy theories, and I saw this whole "deflate gate" thing as manufactured theatre meant to capture attention for the league, Caitlin-Jenner Style, during the offseason. I don't believe for a microsecond that the NFL ever truly meant to keep their top star (and I say that in the true Kardashian love-him-hate-him sense) out of action. Would they go to the extremes to have a judge hearing and dramatic ruling on the eve of the season, you say? Hell YES they would. This is a huge operation and they have the best 'writers' in the biz. I never bought it for a second.
Having said that, I can't predict what's going to happen tonight, and that's because I can't predict what outcome the league would prefer to have happen.

I am not saying games are totally fixed, but after seeing all this garbage of the past couple years, what has leaked (which itself may have been on purpose) the league is more WWE like than ever. They have an agenda. A script if you will, for how they want things to go. I CERTAINLY believe they dictate to the officials how they want games to be officiated, what to let go and for whom, on an arbitrary basis. And with the inherent parity among the teams, biased calls here and there, the cut of the grass, who is arbitrarily suspended for some games but not others, et al ... who can really trust what they see any longer? So the problem is, I don't know what the NFL has in mind for this particular game. They've already ensured probably the highest ratings ever for an opener with all this drama of the off season. But just what do they think is the best story? If Brady absolutely pastes the Steelers in triumph? Or to have him get ingloriously knocked on his ass literally and figuratively, to appease the haters? I simply don't know what they think the best story line is. So I have no firm prediction. I simply won't be surprised with either extreme.
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Pittsburgh will be 9-7/10-6. And I say that conceding that they will lose tonight. If they win tonight then maybe 11-5/12-4
I concur, if they have just an Average Defense that keep Teams under 21 points they can still go 10+ Wins and be very good and become even better as the season goes along? Had their Field Goal Kicker not be hurt or even if the New One turns out great they will win like you say 11 to 12 Wins too! So long they have an Average Defense?

I just don't see them having anyone on the DL stopping the run and only Heyward rushing the passer, and I think that is critical for them to have an Average Defense.

I also think they have improved their Defensive Backfield but injuries and not playing together and now having a New System under Butler/Tomlin will take time to learn by mistakes by the players, within the system, and coaching adjusting them too, so again, may be tough having an Average Defense for 2015?

The Linebackers are terrific and have great potential to be Excellent but Shazier is in his 2nd year and may be great too, but Dupree needs time, and the others are OK but need to step it up!

Therefore with a New DC and his New System and then needing a great DL, needing time for the Backfield to play together, and some time for Linebackers to develop, plus a Steelers Offense Team that score with big quick plays with Brown and Martavis and play ball control and add in not having many important players for the first four games with all those Teams they are playing being very tough......I just can't see them keeping the other Teams under 21 Points!

If they can keep Teams at 21 Points or less, they will win not just the Division but can win the Conference and even make and WIN the Super Bowl.

Yet, that is a lot of "IFS" and those players that decided smoking weed they need, put themselves ahead of the Team and that too as far as I am concern shows they lack some character to concentrate on what needs to be done in 2015!

I made a prediction and although I Love these Steelers and think they are a Super Bowl Team Contender, I just see too many what "IFS" and too little learning under the 'New Defense System" with a New DC, with very few Vet Leaders! Last year bringing back Harrison brought instant improvement on the Defense.

But for this year, and without Bell, Pouncey and Martavis I just don't see
the Steelerss coring as much as they will need for the first 4 games, and no way can see this NEW DC, PLAYERS, AND DEFENSE SYSTEM putting it all together to keep game sunder 21 points?

Throw in Players that care more about themselves instead of the Team, I see a Recipe of possible disaster and went with that for 2015, and have no problem if i am dead wrong!

Just a Hunch not Gospel!
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If they can go 2-2 in these first 4 games, I would be extremely pleased and feel much better about the season. 1-3 and it isn't looking too good. I don't see it happening but if they can go 3-1, I think the city of Pittsburgh should not wear pants to work the following Monday.
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Agree with this, and it's because the Browns and Bengals never have their sh*t together. They'll start poorly but somehow scrape enough wins together for a playoff spot. They'll lose, but the city will be satiated.
I agree with that but Cleveland is improving and has a tad lighter schedule. Cincy QB Dalton has not proven to a Great Winning Playoff QB just like Cutler! I also have to agree, I may be wrong after like you say they start off poorly and then scrap together 10+ Wins? However, any key injuries and the season goes south in a hurry of the Defense is not at least average? So, even though I think the Steelers will give New England a great game, they still lose many games by 3 to 7 points or less.
If they can go 2-2 in these first 4 games, I would be extremely pleased and feel much better about the season. 1-3 and it isn't looking too good. I don't see it happening but if they can go 3-1, I think the city of Pittsburgh should not wear pants to work the following Monday.
Agree and if they have just an Average Defense and the DL can stop the runs, I think the sky is the only limit.....Yet, these are tall task to ask from such a New Defense with New DC and New System with Younger Players Learning Together which means Big Play Mistakes.

I just decided too many "IFS"!
6-10 only because the division sucks.
wait, if the division sucks, wouldn't there record be better? Or are you saying that they can win 6 games only because the division sucks and if it was better, they'd win less??

I think the division is pretty decent. 3 playoff caliber teams out of 4, not too bad. has the AFC North as the second best division. Season hasn't started yet so a guessing game but still, perception wise, afc north is wicked pissa.

Divisional power rankings
Rk Division Notes
1 NFC West The Seahawks top our team rankings. Rams, 49ers could go either way.
2 AFC North Three playoff squads. Browns could put up a fight.
3 NFC North Packers are biggest threat to Seahawks. Lions, Vikings frisky.
4 AFC East Patriots remain favorites, but other three teams hit big in free agency.
5 NFC East House of cards. Each team could tumble with just one unfortunate injury.
6 AFC West Broncos aren't quite as dominant. Raiders still a tomato can.
7 NFC South Panthers, Saints better than advertised. Falcons, Bucs works in progress.
8 AFC South Andrew Luck is the only proven quarterback in the division.
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wait, if the division sucks, wouldn't there record be better? Or are you saying that they can win 6 games only because the division sucks and if it was better, they'd win less??

I think the division is pretty decent. 3 playoff caliber teams out of 4, not too bad. has the AFC North as the second best division. Season hasn't started yet so a guessing game but still, perception wise, afc north is wicked pissa.

Divisional power rankings
Rk Division Notes
1 NFC West The Seahawks top our team rankings. Rams, 49ers could go either way.
2 AFC North Three playoff squads. Browns could put up a fight.
3 NFC North Packers are biggest threat to Seahawks. Lions, Vikings frisky.
4 AFC East Patriots remain favorites, but other three teams hit big in free agency.
5 NFC East House of cards. Each team could tumble with just one unfortunate injury.
6 AFC West Broncos aren't quite as dominant. Raiders still a tomato can.
7 NFC South Panthers, Saints better than advertised. Falcons, Bucs works in progress.
8 AFC South Andrew Luck is the only proven quarterback in the division.

The division made a lot of hay last year playing the two worst divisions (AFC & NFC South) in football. Eight games, two winning teams (and Houston was 9-7), and four of those teams lost 10 or more games.

PGH and Baltimore can put up points but both got worse on defense. Cincy can't throw the ball but has a history of choking (last 3 games this year will surely continue that tradition). Not sure why anyone would think the Browns are putting up a fight unless Baltimore moves back and starts wearing those ugly uniforms.
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wait, if the division sucks, wouldn't there record be better? Or are you saying that they can win 6 games only because the division sucks and if it was better, they'd win less??

I think the division is pretty decent. 3 playoff caliber teams out of 4, not too bad. has the AFC North as the second best division. Season hasn't started yet so a guessing game but still, perception wise, afc north is wicked pissa.

Divisional power rankings
Rk Division Notes
1 NFC West The Seahawks top our team rankings. Rams, 49ers could go either way.
2 AFC North Three playoff squads. Browns could put up a fight.
3 NFC North Packers are biggest threat to Seahawks. Lions, Vikings frisky.
4 AFC East Patriots remain favorites, but other three teams hit big in free agency.
5 NFC East House of cards. Each team could tumble with just one unfortunate injury.
6 AFC West Broncos aren't quite as dominant. Raiders still a tomato can.
7 NFC South Panthers, Saints better than advertised. Falcons, Bucs works in progress.
8 AFC South Andrew Luck is the only proven quarterback in the division.
Well stated!;)
The division made a lot of hay last year playing the two worst divisions (AFC & NFC South) in football. Eight games, two winning teams (and Houston was 9-7), and four of those teams lost 10 or more games.

PGH and Baltimore can put up points but both got worse on defense. Cincy can't throw the ball but has a history of choking (last 3 games this year will surely continue that tradition). Not sure why anyone would think the Browns are putting up a fight unless Baltimore moves back and starts wearing those ugly uniforms.
every team has a weakness pittdan, but looking at divisions, the AFC north has 3 legit teams, 3 playoff caliber teams. Browns suck, I agree. But 3 out of 4 aint bad.. btw, isn't that a country song?
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Only saw Half the Game, but clearly if they had Bell, Martavis, and Suisham had been playing, and Wheaton had not dropped some passes, the Steelers could have won, but as predicted losing those players caused enough changes for them to lose the game! Martavis would have opened up Brown far more and Wheaton would not have been the target for his drops? This is what happens when Players are NO SHOWS because they are suspended and Brady gets to play?

The Defense played a tad better than I expected so I was wrong there, and did pretty good against the run, but pass coverage was not there with big gaps and catches Brady was able to throw at ease and almost set a passing record!

Until they can stop the ruin and pressure the QB, the Backfield will be wide open for exploitation as they learn to play and tackle together!

Yet, the team never gave up, and have an attitude to play better all game long. I may have to revise my predictions if the Defense gets better and Offense can win 2 games waiting for Bell and Martavis to get better.

Making them go 8-8 or even 9-10 Wins! If these Players had thought about the Team more their need for WEED, the Steelers could have won!
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every team has a weakness pittdan, but looking at divisions, the AFC north has 3 legit teams, 3 playoff caliber teams. Browns suck, I agree. But 3 out of 4 aint bad.. btw, isn't that a country song?
Song By Meatloaf....."Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad!"

Steelers Special Teams and Defense need to improve and Cincy and Baltimore are pretty good, and i think the Browns will be better but still struggle.

Pryor was cut by the Browns hope the Steelers pick him up!
Steelers will be fine. Total paranoia from everyone. Their secondary is really, really bad, but any team with Ben Roethlisberger has a chance to make some noise.
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Whelp, the Steelers and Ravens both lost to other Division winners and Cincy beat the worst team in the AFC West. Cleveland is still Cleveland.
Yep, it looks like the AFC North is not as powerful as the Preseason Predicted or the last few years.

The Ravens lost Suggs that is a huge loss for their Defense.

Cincy is still Cincy since Dalton must prove himself to be a Playoff Winning QB.

Cleveland is improving but needs far more and they still have a QB Problem.

The Steelers have Big Ben a proven winner. If Martavis had been playing he would have made a big difference, because Wheaton dropped 3 catch-able passes, and Bey had his feet out of the Enzone and Brown was Doubled Covered because Martavis was not in there. The Steelers could have won that game. Once Martavis is back going deep and catching high percentage passes, the Steelers will improve greatly but that 3 games away?

Bell was on the Sidelines at the MSU-Oregon Game certainly not helping the Steelers or MSU, just a Dumb & Young Millionaire suspended for smoking weed while driving? Thank goodness Angelo Williams is a far better replacement than Blount was last year? But Bell is far better at catching short passes and running wild? Once he comes back, they will score more with Angelo together.

The Steelers can win this Division but they have to score big points while putting in their New Defense, in my opinion. Yet, the Ravens and Bengals are having problems too, along with the Browns.

I am more pleased that the Steelers Defense might be able to improve if the DL can stop the run, and the play from the Lienbackers as expected and predicted is pretty good, but Brady had Wideouts and Tight End open all game long and it was easy for him.

We shall see if the Offense can win 2 game until bell and Martavis return, and the Defense improves, until then, wait, just like we are watching Pitt right now do the same on rebuilding the Defense.

Right now I suspect the AFC Division may only have 1 Playoff team this year. If the Steelers can beat Baltimore and Cincy that adds 4 game wins to my 6 Win Prediction and that puts the Steelers in the playoffs! I would not have any problem in eating crow either!

We shall see?
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