Pitt’s strong attendance the first dozen or so years at the Pete were due to (1) going to Pitt basketball games was a cool thing to do (2) they were winning. The first reason isn’t coming back and had more to do with the building than anything. The second could be back. Bottom line is Pitt fans are not very loyal. They aren’t in any sport. Winning will get more fans in the seats but it isn’t going to sell out games. There are a ton of schools that draw no matter what. Pitt is not one of them. And Pitt isn’t the only school in this boat either.
So to me this talk about attendance is really just overblown. I agree it has been horrible and needs to be somewhat better but the days of selling the Pete out every game are gone regardless of how good they are.
So to me this talk about attendance is really just overblown. I agree it has been horrible and needs to be somewhat better but the days of selling the Pete out every game are gone regardless of how good they are.