Think HCPN would ever consider Walt for OC?

No for two reasons

1) I think his offenses would be a little out of touch with today's game and what Narduzzi wants to do.
2) I don't think he'd be the strong recruiter that we need from that position.

Walt is also 70+ years old. Who knows how long he'd be here. Besides, there's much better options that Pitt has out there.
I'm going to say it again...Walt was fired from CalU.

Now I personally like Walt. But, can you imagine the blow back on the recruiting trail and the message it sends in hiring a 70 something coach who has been out of the game for several years and his last gig was D2 and he got canned?

OP has to actually be the account SMF uses when he's on a coke bender. It's similar to a criminally insane person's second personality.
No for two reasons

1) I think his offenses would be a little out of touch with today's game and what Narduzzi wants to do.
wh offense would work right now. It was a good scheme. It is a bit different than what PN wants.
2) I don't think he'd be the strong recruiter that we need from that position.
agree he was never a great recruiter and is now much older
Walt is also 70+ years old. Who knows how long he'd be here. Besides, there's much better options that Pitt has out there.
No - the guy is 70 and has been out of the game. You could bring him in as a consultant if you want to go in that direction.
I don't think the 70 is relevant. Today for a lot of people 70 is like 50. But he has been out of the game for a while. Other coaches have been out a while and have come back successfully. I doubt it would be HCPN's top choice.
My bet is a young guy maybe a HC from a lower level program with OC experience looking to break into a D1 conference.
What an opportunity for someone with all the really good O players on the PITT team,+ the great O line!
Yeah, Walt did not have success at his last three stops: Stanford, Akron, and Cal U. His career trajectory would have him as the OC at Shaler next. I love the guy but there is no way you hire a coach over 70 that hasn't been relevant in over a decade.

If I'm Narduzzi, I bring him in occasionally to assess the QBs, maybe work with them from time to time, and talk with the team. Do the same with Wanny on D. Use them as ambassadors for the program.

Any OC would be wise to bounce ideas off of Walt from time to time.
Maybe Johnny Majors would come back as OC? No, Walt would be a guy I would bring in as a QB consultant. I think he would be happy to do it too.

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