Tim Benz getting abused

Not familiar with this guy as I'm not in the area but he is getting blasted on social media (by fans and local media)

Saw a post on twitter calling for a ban of Pittsburghsportsnow until he's fired. Lol

Wasn't too complimentary of #30 today
I read where the crowd was "generously" described as 48,000.
Let him cover Syracuse football.
The problem for TB in this situation is that JC is now a Steeler. If he played for the other team at Heinz Field and Benz made that comment, the media would not care. But since it's the Steelers, no no no how dare he.
He cracks a joke about Pitt football attendance, and all you snowflakes lose your minds.
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He won't get fired from DK, he's too big within that group. Vuk banning him from his site isn't really saying much to be honest. Let me guess - "Vuk has really big news but he can't tell anyone what it is because the source asked him not to say!" PSN is a little embarrassing when you think of it. Some guy with zero sources within the program tweeting and texting 17 year olds trying to find out if they like PITT.
The problem for TB in this situation is that JC is now a Steeler. If he played for the other team at Heinz Field and Benz made that comment, the media would not care. But since it's the Steelers, no no no how dare he.
Good. Hope he suffers for it. Justice for the wrong reason is still justice. Al Capone was brought down for tax evading, recall. Hopefully Benz will similarly die of syphilis.
why doesn't he or any pittsburgh media ever crack jokes about showers and PSU?

Who cares? Do you know how bad it makes the Pitt fan base look when some fans act like thin-skinned little brothers? A joke about Pitt football attendance has turned into 'how DARE he make fun of a cancer survivor!' and 'the local media is out to get us!', both of which are absurd.
Jokes are supposed to be funny. If they aren't funny, the author looks like an ass.
Just the way life goes.

If people think it's lame, then so be it; but launching into overly-defensive, hyperbolic responses is equally lame.
Who cares? Do you know how bad it makes the Pitt fan base look when some fans act like thin-skinned little brothers? A joke about Pitt football attendance has turned into 'how DARE he make fun of a cancer survivor!' and 'the local media is out to get us!', both of which are absurd.

Not absurd at all. I used to feel the same way you do. I thought it was b.s., but the PSU scandal and the aftermath showed that local media is very pro PSU. They were very angry about the way Pitt fans relished PSU's hypocrisy being exposed for all to see. The local media also were pissed about the way they were called out (and rightfully so) by the Pitt fan base for their lack of unbiased reporting on the matter.

As for Timmy the Dwarf, the anger towards that idiot goes beyond the latest incident. He has been a dick towards other Pittsburgh sports teams in the past. While I agree with his original assessment regarding the comparison of Bell vs Conner, his follow up tweets concerning the matter showed what a shallow, egotistical, petty, arrogant, jackass he really is. If you missed them, check his twitter account.
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And a big F U to the wvcc Crowley as well. Tell him to blow nutting.
Hah I don't follow the guy, but I've heard him as a guest on the radio before and feel like he always needs to remind everyone he went to WVU. Like we get it dude. He even prefaced a Conner question he had in an interview as a Steelers reporter he supposedly is (had no idea) by saying something like "Well I'm a WVU guy so I'm not real crazy about him"
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? He is DKs main DK radio host, and he was just on this morning.

He isn't getting fired or banned for making fun of Pitt's attendance.

ummm... yes... he was fired from Pittsburghsportsnow... which is what the original question was.

So... you know... you are wrong.
If people think it's lame, then so be it; but launching into overly-defensive, hyperbolic responses is equally lame.

Yeah, I guess it is if youre a pussy and dont stand up for yourself.

I'm ok with putting the little witless punk into his place. And definitely happy he was let go from PSN for his little stupid asinine comment about a cancer survivor's first game
Yeah, I guess it is if youre a pussy and dont stand up for yourself.

I'm ok with putting the little witless punk into his place. And definitely happy he was let go from PSN for his little stupid asinine comment about a cancer survivor's first game

Yeah, with Conner's first game, some celebration should be had due to his history. He can't have that forever, though, since he will be judged on his production. But in his first game since being injured in a December, trying to make stupid jokes that aren't funny is probably not the way to go.

He just came off like a fan of an opposing school, not of a reporter.
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Yeah, with Conner's first game, some celebration should be had due to his history. He can't have that forever, though, since he will be judged on his production. But in his first game since being injured in a December, trying to make stupid jokes that aren't funny is probably not the way to go.

He just came off like a fan of an opposing school, not of a reporter.

A fan of an opposing team. Exactly.

There is a distinction between legitimate criticism and outright mockery. A real professional should know better than to publicly engage in acting like a fan of an opposing school. TB clearly is unable to control himself and comes across as just another giddy fanboy NTAC.
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Yeah, I guess it is if youre a pussy and dont stand up for yourself.

I'm ok with putting the little witless punk into his place. And definitely happy he was let go from PSN for his little stupid asinine comment about a cancer survivor's first game

Oh man, a tweet about college football attendance, definitely a time to stand up and defend yourself! So manly. Can't let 140 characters threaten your masculinity, especially when your masculinity is based on Pitt's football attendance!

Get bent.
Yeah, with Conner's first game, some celebration should be had due to his history. He can't have that forever, though, since he will be judged on his production. But in his first game since being injured in a December, trying to make stupid jokes that aren't funny is probably not the way to go.

He just came off like a fan of an opposing school, not of a reporter.

Exactly... there was no need for it, so ripping him a new one was valid. If he cant take it, he shouldnt write it
Oh man, a tweet about college football attendance, definitely a time to stand up and defend yourself! So manly. Can't let 140 characters threaten your masculinity, especially when your masculinity is based on Pitt's football attendance!

Get bent.

You are the one saying about attendance. I was pissed about him dissing Conner's first game. Considering attendance was the same as Pitt games, I certainly didnt care about that.
Again, read, I'm talking about DK. Responding to someone that specifically said DK.

I did read, and just read again... it said Vuk and DK, and said ANY loss of income is big for these guys...

You replied he isnt getting fired for taking a swipe at Pitt... and he was. PSN fired the guy. I am pleased with that. And I am sure DK reprimanded him, as his comments directly are against the mission statement posted on DK's site.
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Which is why he's basically buried in the media. That and making Steeler remarks.
I'm a Steeler fan and madden is one of the few guys around here I even bother listening to. For one he's not a cult worshipper. And secondly, whether you like it or not almost everything he says about the steelers is the truth, it's just nobody else will ever admit it.
The attendance debate is so f***ing stupid. All it takes is looking at schools of similar enrollment size (Houston, Minnesota, Maryland) and similar on-field results to see Pitt is right where they're supposed to be. This idea that the school should be attracting 30,000 causal Yinzer fans who never took a class here is moronic.
I'm a Steeler fan and madden is one of the few guys around here I even bother listening to. For one he's not a cult worshipper. And secondly, whether you like it or not almost everything he says about the steelers is the truth, it's just nobody else will ever admit it.
I don't dispute anything he has said. Just pointing out that stating ANYTHING remotely negative about PSU dooms you with the Pittsburgh media (ruled by godfather Jerry Micco) or especially saying anything critical of the Steelers. Thanks to his shattering those two rules in the past, Madden is blacklisted among the mainstream. Madden wouldn't even have the fringe jobs he has now if he weren't more of a sideshow act with the wrestling spiel and all.
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I never listen to Ron Cook since he did not vote for Larry Fitzgerald for the Heisman trophy! That is a blot on Cook's career from which he can never recover.
Yup, good point. One of a handful of Panthers who've gotten robbed of the Heisman over the years.
I don't dispute anything he has said. Just pointing out that stating ANYTHING remotely negative about PSU dooms you with the Pittsburgh media (ruled by godfather Jerry Micco) or especially saying anything critical of the Steelers. Thanks to his shattering those two rules in the past, Madden is blacklisted among the mainstream. Madden wouldn't even have the fringe jobs he has now if he weren't more of a sideshow act with the wrestling spiel and all.

It is telling that the majority of people who liked Tim's original tweet regarding attendance were PSU fans. Whether it was intentional or not (I can only guess it was), Benz sided with a fan base who relies on attendance numbers and recruiting rankings to prop themselves up in lieu of head-to-head results.
I did read, and just read again... it said Vuk and DK, and said ANY loss of income is big for these guys...

You replied he isnt getting fired for taking a swipe at Pitt... and he was. PSN fired the guy. I am pleased with that. And I am sure DK reprimanded him, as his comments directly are against the mission statement posted on DK's site.

Ha, DK rips Pitt all the time. Just read his Tuesday takes today. He is a dick too.
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Who is Tim Benz? What relevance is he to anything?
People look at dog crap on the grass, but that doesn't mean they are fans.
Take Benz as the sports equal to dog dew. Inevitably, waste will be produced.
Ok, I don't know who Tim Benz is and I wanted to see what he has said about James Connor... so I googled "tim benz commenting on james connor". A link to this site and a link to a Madden post on top the results. So two things, if I used his name directly as a search criteria and nothing referencing him comes up, how relevant can he be? And, does anybody have a link to his comments? Steeler or not, attacking Connor or Pitt through Connor is a bad move. James will be relevant and l predict that he will be an ambassador for Pitt for years to come. JC is one determined hombre, and he'll will himself to greatness... you can count on that.