She came on in the 99th.
After that she took five "dead ball" kicks. She took a corner that was simply awful, well underhit. But the ball went out short of the near post off a defender so she got another chance. And hit that one even worse, again, well underhit. Bad enough that Julie Ertz, who was theoretically the target of both balls yelled at her to hit the ball better/further. So a short time later she took a third corner, and if I told you that it was even worse than the first two, again way underhit, would you be surprised? No? OK, well how about if I tell you that she later played a free kick from the right wing in a spot where you could create a decent chance and she way underhit the ball again, even worse than the first three?
So let's at least give her credit on her penalty. She wasn't going to way underhit that one too. She made the adjustment, and blasted the ball high and wide.