Watson will look like a genius if.....

This will happen on both Boards, PITT and PSU and WVU Fans are suppose to dislike each other like Jackie Sherrill once said, but I enjoy good football and can respect all of them.

McSorley really knows the Moorhead Offense and it was Franklin that brought Trace in and played him, I really enjoyed watching him and he makes PSU go better than Barkley.

Both Bark & Quad will be fun to watch.

Also props for being up even. I'm enjoying my last semester of staying up late for the higher education ha. Judging on your info and posts, you've been around a while and know your stuff well.
"runboy3200, post: 1873302, member: 50908"]Not sure what recruiting had to do with anything here. Bark was a 3 star on 24/7 for a long while too.
Means a lot to some Dummies Cult Dolts on PSU BWI Boards but not one them predicted Barkley would be that good early. Most Recruit Prep Experts did and listen to them, and Barkley was considered the second back rated highest back to be a sleeper before he arrive don campus. Here on the Lair we discuss such things with far more cerebral contributions and from many fan sources. The Premium Board has far more info on Fifth & Forbes and Lion's Den.

Not saying any program can't do big things with 3 stars. But again not knocking Q.
Most Recruiting experts miss the 3 Stars that actually contribute and work harder on a Team versus the 4 & 5 Stars that often think they just have to show up to win. Henderson was just a 3 Star and the comparisons with Barkley that was 4 Star only matter with Cult Dolts and from stupid from them. So, Pitt Posters like to rub it in and that is the way it is when Q already is an UAA! Most better minds agree, both are great and the way I evaluate any Recruit or Player is if I would want them on a team like and follow. Any team with a Barkley & Henderson would be hard to beat.

It's like JT Barrett...guy can kill it against meh competition but struggled against superior overall competition.
I agree, he is choker and overrated but Meyer has many to surround and help him look better too. Yet, he does let OSU down at critical times based on his play.

Kinda like Q against Clemson. Congrats on that win btw tho, good look for the program.
He shows up in every game since he came to Pitt and just gets better and better.

But on Bark, he's always shown up (even in a drubbing at the Shoe two years ago), sans Michigan this year in which no one did.
Yes he does, but he is not an UAA yet while Q already is but Bark is a Heisman Candidate and Q not mention. It like arguing over a Blue or Pink Diamond when all know Red is most rare, but Diamonds are valuable and hard not to notice. Bark & Quad are now on every Defenders Shadowing and that reflects how good they are and good for both Teams.You respect both like me, and some don't and that is Ok with me.
Also props for being up even. I'm enjoying my last semester of staying up late for the higher education ha. Judging on your info and posts, you've been around a while and know your stuff well.
Like Einstein and by no means near him in anyway.....just quoting him, as one gets older we know how much more we don't know, and far more knowledgeable Posters here on the Lair with the passion and zeal and follow every detail on a few Teams. Just liek watching good Football and I favor Pitt, PSU, WVU return to Top 25 and Pitt is on the wait lists, as PSU & WVU did it! My days are over and just postings some swan songs until I am gone from postings. Sports no longer interests me just a hobby now and less following every day. Down to Pitt and a few more with long ears that still talk to me in the know, then what I know, and put up more posts with many links for others to think.

Sports is a passion for the young and an interests for most as they grow older.
Hey Runboy, you better read back up the thread about "selling Barkley short." Your
initial response was to my description where I called Barkley a strong Heisman
candidate. The initial comparison with Henderson only alluded to Henderson's
quickness, and it went on to say that Barkley was "an every down back,...stronger,
and a load to bring down." Also mention was that "he would give opposing defenses
fits." Where in God's name do you see anything that suggested I was selling him
short??? IMO,he's one of the nation's best running backs and maybe the best.
This thread has done nothing more than praise Barkley as the great RB he is.
Were you drunk when you posted?
Hey Runboy, you better read back up the thread about "selling Barkley short." Your
initial response was to my description where I called Barkley a strong Heisman
candidate. The initial comparison with Henderson only alluded to Henderson's
quickness, and it went on to say that Barkley was "an every down back,...stronger,
and a load to bring down." Also mention was that "he would give opposing defenses
fits." Where in God's name do you see anything that suggested I was selling him
short??? IMO,he's one of the nation's best running backs and maybe the best.
This thread has done nothing more than praise Barkley as the great RB he is.
Were you drunk when you posted?

"Very pedestrian 4.3 ypc" is what you claimed Barkley averaged. In fact, he averaged around 5.5. That is selling him short, literally.
"Very pedestrian 4.3 ypc" is what you claimed Barkley averaged. In fact, he averaged around 5.5. That is selling him short, literally.

You can't possibly be this dumb, can you? Read the quote... the 4.3 was his yds per carry in the Pitt game only, not all year long. And YES, for Barkley great as he is, that was "pedestrian." If
you continue to read on (I'm not sure you're capable) you will see that I said that once PSU
discovered how weak we were at pass defense, they started to pass more against us. I also
continued with....despite this, Barkley still scored "5 touchdowns." I then continued with how great
he was and that he was a strong Heisman candidate etc. etc. Again, for the stupid...4.3 vs Pitt,
very pedestrian.....the 5.5 that you listed was his stats for the year. Slap yourself twice and remind
yourself these are not BWI twisted facts and logic that we use here.
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You can't possibly be this dumb, can you? Read the quote... the 4.3 was his yds per carry in the Pitt game only, not all year long. And YES, for Barkley great as he is, that was "pedestrian." If
you continue to read on (I'm not sure you're capable) you will see that I said that once PSU
discovered how week we were at pass defense, they started to pass more against us. I also
continued with....despite this, Barkley still scored "5 touchdowns." I then continued with how great
he was and that he was a strong Heisman candidate etc. etc. Again, for the stupid...4.3 vs Pitt,
very pedestrian.....the 5.5 that you listed was his stats for the year. Slap yourself twice and remind
yourself these are not BWI twisted facts and logic that we use here.
Jesus Christ my bad. I completely missed the reference to the stats solely in the Pitt game. I apologize. And for record, you act like BWI is all there is to PSU fans. Hop over on 24/7 sometime for some insights into intelligent PSU fans and superbly written articles by Callahan and solid recruiting news by Fitz.