I dont get the nose-in-the-air attitude from boomers when it comes to millennials.
You should have stopped there.
1. You have as much influence as to who runs for political office as most any one else on the board. Choosing what one feels is the lesser of two evils and voting that way is better than ignoring the economic situations that will result ,IMO.
2. How exactly I caused a recession by working about 60 hours a week for $16-$18 per hour escapes me, being busy at work while you are busy studying seems to me to show that we shared equally in causing a recession?
3. I cannot compare our environmental footprint, but I never have lived in an air conditioned house , haven't owned a car with more than 4 cylinders since about 1976, I do use some natural gas and wood burner to keep my house warm enough for the wife in the winter, but it is about 1350 square feet. I sorta feel like the politicians who also seem upset with me kinda use up more resources than I, but I can't put that on you. I assume with your concern with the environment you are not jetting around the country at every whim, or driving a huge SUV just so to keep up with the Joneses, etc. I will admit that I am not concerned as much with the vast millions of pristine acres in Alaska, Colorado, etc. as I maybe should be or maybe those in power would but its because I know that working class people will never be able to access those places and are held for the rich and famous to enjoy. If i am choosing between using resources to keep prices low enough for working class people to afford gas/ timber etc. or allowing no use so that the wealthy can hunt Big Horn sheep without encountering an oil well in the middle of the forest, I am voting or the former...
But, I agree with you, nose in the air attitude about the generations that follow you are as generation-centric as blaming those who came before....