We beat the REFS!!! (and unc)

the pass interference that was called when Ford intercepted the ball, sorry guys but that was pass interference. the targeting call on Hamlin, that is called every time in college and NFL. has been for years. we see that same play called every game. WR catches it and falls forward and safety leads with helmet, flag. why are we surprised? IT happens every time, for years now.

the overturned TD catch was terrible but we scored a TD 3 plays later so who cares?
I just wish they would clearly define targeting. Watts’ hit looked like he clearly hit the kid’s head and they didn’t call it. Hamlin was diving for the ball and the two players contacted each other and he’s gone.
I just wish they would clearly define targeting. Watts’ hit looked like he clearly hit the kid’s head and they didn’t call it. Hamlin was diving for the ball and the two players contacted each other and he’s gone.
its frustrating because it's almost inevitable, this play. every game, wr runs post/slant and falls forward. the safety basically has to hit him and get targeting or dive out of the way. that's what is frustrating about it.. but again, we've seen this a thousand times over the last few years so i don't know why anyone is surprised by it.

we got a break with watts, that was pretty bad..
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they aren’t

there aren’t acc refs
That's true in basketball.

That is *NOT* true in football.

There are specific conference-affiliated referees in football.

*SECONDLY*.... the video review judges for ACC games are specifically hired by the ACC and work only for the ACC. And the most egregious bullshit calls tonight were (A) overturning the call on the field on Shockey's TD and (B) *NOT* overturning the call of targeting on Hamlin.
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It was overturned because Pitt was playing against a Tobbaco Road team in a Tobbaco Road conference. We are still outsiders in the conference and probably will always be.

This !!! We were warned against the UNC & Duke bias in officiating and it is true. The ACC certainly had its finger on the balance scale of "Fairness".
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I’m not a millennial

I’m gen x

if you’re going to go for generational swipes
At least get it more correct .
Boomer I presume
You're a :
For one of the few times in my life, I was in perfect position to see a play on the field. It happened right in front of me, Shocky caught the ball. At the very least, there was not enough evidence to say he didn't and overturn the call. The fans in my section were agitated with the officials taking so long to confirm the TD, nobody even imagined it would be overturned.

I complain about bad calls all the time, but I never think that officials are purposely cheating although they may have an unconscious bias on some calls. I was really reconsidering my thoughts on officials not cheating last night, however. Until I remembered the Watts play.
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I will add two of NC's penalties were huge, the "chop block" penalty on their center negated a huge play as did one of their holding calls.
It is clearly incompetence over bias, IMO.

Chop block is one of the most obvious calls. A lineman can not engage a DL low who is being blocked by another player. It’s dirty and if any play should warrant ejection this one is it. It is only used to injure.
, but I never think that officials are purposely cheating although they may have an unconscious bias on some calls.

I used to think just like this, but that 13-9 Game was so far over the line, I had to believe that BE-NYC Mafia was clear that the BE needed WVU to be #2 going into New Year's day.
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I used to think just like this, but that 13-9 Game was so far over the line, I had to believe that BE-NYC Mafia was clear that the BE needed WVU to be #2 going into New Year's day.

There was one 1st down run on a longish (10-13 yards?) by McCoy. I think it was Oderick Turner blocking the DB in the flat. Turner was a big guy and absolutely manhandled him. Ref didn't throw the flag until well after the play. I thought to myself "if Shady gets a 1st here they're bringing it back" because they had been so one-sided that whole game.
I think there needs to be a time limit on the review. If you really need that much time to figure it out with different angles, then the play should stand as called.

That's my stance as well. I don't know if the ball touched the ground or not, or if his hand was still under the ball when it did touch, but I know that if the replay guys spends more than two minutes looking at the same replays over and over to try to figure it out that there is no way that you can argue that the replay was "conclusive" of ANYTHING. In which case the call on the field should stand.
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i hate when announcers say that. To overturn the call on the field, there needs to be "indisputable evidence." no there doesn't. calls are overturned all the time, in ever game, in multiple sports based on much less than indisputable evidence. QUIT SAYING THAT. i hate it. the call on the field is irrelevant when it comes to instant replay, we've seen this countless times..

The fact that far too many replay officials don't seem to understand what the rules say that their job is doesn't mean that people shouldn't point out what their actual job is.

The call on the field is absolutely supposed to matter. The evidence to overturn a call is supposed to be indisputable. The fact that many replay officials do not follow the rules doesn't mean that those aren't the rules, it means the replay officials frequently aren't doing their job correctly. And every time that happens people should point it out.
I dont get the nose-in-the-air attitude from boomers when it comes to millennials. The older generations elect buffoons (in both parties) to the government, caused a recession that hit hardest when most millennials were graduating from college and looking for jobs (which set us back significantly), and have caused irreparable harm to the environment and dont seem to care. If there is a generation which should be vilified, millennials are certainly not the one I'd choose.
and you are sooo much smarter
I dont get the nose-in-the-air attitude from boomers when it comes to millennials.

You should have stopped there.
1. You have as much influence as to who runs for political office as most any one else on the board. Choosing what one feels is the lesser of two evils and voting that way is better than ignoring the economic situations that will result ,IMO.
2. How exactly I caused a recession by working about 60 hours a week for $16-$18 per hour escapes me, being busy at work while you are busy studying seems to me to show that we shared equally in causing a recession?
3. I cannot compare our environmental footprint, but I never have lived in an air conditioned house , haven't owned a car with more than 4 cylinders since about 1976, I do use some natural gas and wood burner to keep my house warm enough for the wife in the winter, but it is about 1350 square feet. I sorta feel like the politicians who also seem upset with me kinda use up more resources than I, but I can't put that on you. I assume with your concern with the environment you are not jetting around the country at every whim, or driving a huge SUV just so to keep up with the Joneses, etc. I will admit that I am not concerned as much with the vast millions of pristine acres in Alaska, Colorado, etc. as I maybe should be or maybe those in power would but its because I know that working class people will never be able to access those places and are held for the rich and famous to enjoy. If i am choosing between using resources to keep prices low enough for working class people to afford gas/ timber etc. or allowing no use so that the wealthy can hunt Big Horn sheep without encountering an oil well in the middle of the forest, I am voting or the former...

But, I agree with you, nose in the air attitude about the generations that follow you are as generation-centric as blaming those who came before....
Morriseys holding call was questionable. Looked more of a push
Was garbage. I actually commented during the play that it was a great block. He peeled, reached out and pushed/punched a guy in his shoulder
They took a touchdown away. There was no conclusive evidence to overturn the call on the field. Yet they still did.

They ejected Hamlin out of the game, when he clearly was going for the ball. If Hamlin got ejected then the Carolina WR should have also as he launch himself into a defenseless player also. Just because one is an offensive player does not give more rights than a defensive player. So either eject neither, or eject both players.

2 very bias calls that changed the trajectory of the game.
Yes they blew some calls (especially the touchdown.) But unfortunately refs blow calls all the time, and sometimes one team is hurt more than others. But it doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy against us. I bet if you went on the NC site, they’re complaining about some of the calls against them.
Look I normally don’t bitch about the refs, but they have been absolutely pathetic in the ACC this season. Just pathetic.

We’ve been undisciplined at times but my god do they alter the course of games to where it’s almost unwatchable.

And they have to take a look at targeting calls, constant push offs by the WRs tonight, blatant holds on uncs Oline.



Everyone on this board cries EVERY DAMN GAME ABOUT THE REFS, why be any different, a bunch of babies, good lord