As noted above, this is not a business as usual, ride it out for a few seasons while the checks still keep coming in… this is existential.
The conference situation is volatile. Everybody is jockeying for their future place in the inevitable fallout. Programs that have had their thumbs in their tails the last few years (like the one we played yesterday) realize this and have gone balls-in to right their ships. Just about every other that would find themselves on precipice seemingly have increased their focus, even freaking Duke.
Then there is … our program. There has probably never been a worse time to collapse like 1996. And not making desperate changes in the offseason (which begins when the gun sounds in the final game, though it really should have started already behind the scenes) will guarantee upcoming years will be even uglier than this one, as crazy as that likely seems this morning.
OC and most of not all offensive coaches need gone. Push out the slow dull witted pocket passers. Lyke should have already identified the best modern offensive coordinator that is in the G5 or FCS (aka someone affordable and willing to come here). Ideally one with a fr or so QB who odds lighting things up. She will be nothing less that totally deficient in her duties if this is not happening