I'm sorry but to have a Penn State fan lecture Pitt fans on its lack of culture is almost unbelievably bizarre. It's a bit like a West Virginia fan coming here and lecturing us on oral hygiene or a South Carolina fan taking us to task for our treatment of minorities.
Your school's own internal investigation concluded that your culture was so damaged and corrupt that you fired almost all of your senior leadership and brought in former senate majority leader and United States envoy to Northern Ireland and Israel to help transform your school's/program's culture into one that was more humane/transparent/law abiding. When you are bringing in a guy to broker peace and bring a normalcy to a place in the same way he once did in Belfast and Tel Aviv, that is by definition a SEVERE cultural problem.
I'm sorry but when you are dragging around that scarlet letter, you forfeit your lecturing rights for the foreseeable future.
Ohio State, Miami, Florida State and the entire SEC all cheat like hell. Everyone knows those schools and other all brazenly cheat. They also know those schools are far from alone. And yet none of them can touch Penn State on the national contempt meter. That is all related to your cultural problems.
There is no question that Pitt needs to do a better job of engaging its fans. That is due mostly to three decades of fluctuating mediocrity and futility. It is also related to the previous regime's seeming insistence on eliminating the existing traditions so they could create new ones in their own image. However, if the choice is to have 100,000 fans every home Saturday and a whole lot of broken children as a result or 35,000 fans each week and a bunch of bitchy fans but no injured children, I'll proudly choose the latter every single time. Which option would you choose, kimosabe?