When did you become a Pitt fan?

The day Tyler Palko was F-Bombing after the ND game. I loved his passion. SInce then I have had 2 of my children graduate from Pitt
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All this talk about attendance and how to get more people to become fans got me to wonder why people became Pitt fans.

Did you attend Pitt? Did you see Pitt or a certain Pitt player play and that started it? Was it a certain game that started it? Was it because your mom, dad, or both were fans?

I became a fan in 1976 when I moved from Pennsylvania to the state of Indiana. I was homesick, missed my family and friends and when Pitt played Notre Dame that year, it just made me feel like I was home and from that point I was a huge fan.
I think it was about 1946, 1947 Pitt played Marquette and won, first game I followed Pitt on the radio. Dad was a Pitt fan and always spoke of Goldberg, Dream Backfield, Sutherland etc. Attended Catholic grade school at that time and all of my male classmates were pro ND and had man crushes on Johnny Lujack and a bit later Leon Hart.
My name gives it away, but more specifically, the Pete Gonzalez year in 1997 was the first year I remember watching as a fan.
I love these, I guess to answer is the same as some of the other people, I didn't "become", I was born. Though unlike the Steelers, Pens or Pirates, you have a choice here, Pitt or PSU. I am 50 (ugh) so I came of age during the glory years and heyday of the rivalry. I vaguely remembered 1976, but honestly was probably too young, but that was the defining year that had me choose Pitt over Penn State. Plus, the uniforms were cool as hell.
Working as a buss boy at a country club in the spring of 1973. I was a senior in high school but had sent in my acceptance to Pitt for the fall. Johnny Majors gives a speech to alumni one night at the club. I listen to him talk and decided right then and their that he was a winner and Pitt would win. If I was only 4 inches taller and 50 pounds heavier at the time I would have asked him if I could walk on.
Early 90s. I lived in Lancaster Co. and everything was PSU. Pitt and Pittsburgh seemed mysterious and foreign across the mountains. I didn't become a fan until I started looking at coming here. Made several trips out here with my dad, including attending the miserable 1996 opener against WVU. I was an oddity my senior year in HS with all of my script gear.
1975 living in Altoona and my dad hated Joe Paterno (he must of been psychic!) so we became fans for life.
All this talk about attendance and how to get more people to become fans got me to wonder why people became Pitt fans.

Did you attend Pitt? Did you see Pitt or a certain Pitt player play and that started it? Was it a certain game that started it? Was it because your mom, dad, or both were fans?

I became a fan in 1976 when I moved from Pennsylvania to the state of Indiana. I was homesick, missed my family and friends and when Pitt played Notre Dame that year, it just made me feel like I was home and from that point I was a huge fan.

In 1963 I began at Pitt. Became fan immediately. Been a fan ever since.
When I enrolled in 2009; grew up a ND fan (dad and brother both went there), spent my freshman year at Syracuse, then transferred to Pitt. Wasn't too rah-rah initially, but as the school grew on me, so did the teams. Now I'd say I care more about Pitt athletics than any other team I follow.
Went to my first game in 1982. We murdered Rutgers, game was literally a track meet & Marino played QB. That was it for me.
Late 60's. Used to go to games with my best neighborhood friend and his family. Would go to Pitt Tavern first for chipped ham sandwiches and pony bottles of pop.
1973. A freshman in high school. Johnny Majors and "A Major Change in Pitt Football".
2 things did it for me:
1). The new Pitt uniforms. Script Pitt was cool from Day 1 and the Mustard Yellow and Blue uniforms - Perfect.
2). A little peuny Freshman Tailback named Tony Dorsett. You could tell he had "it" from the first time I saw him in person.
Dad was a Pitt fan and always took me to games and Pitt-Johnstown when Pitt held camp there. I wasn't hooked though until I was 11 and Pete Gonzalez beat WVU in OT. I will never forget my Dad and I losing our minds in the living room that night. Been a die hard ever since!
In 1981, I was in third grade. I started watching the Steelers that season and after learning about the four Super Bowls my dad told me the local college team, Pitt, was ranked No. 1 in the country. Life was great and I started watching the Panthers at that moment.
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LCP. - that '81 team was great and should have won the NC.
I was a senior that year and remember each game like it was last week. Seemed like even the 2nd team could have been drafted.

In 1981, I was in third grade. I started watching the Steelers that season and after learning about the four Super Bowls my dad told me the local college team, Pitt, was ranked No. 1 in the country. Life was great and I started watching the Panthers at that moment.
When Pitt hired John Majors the first time. I was sold.
I remember even though I was very young listening on the radio with my Dad to Majors first game when they tied Georgia and we were all celebrating. Jesus - I was little and it had that much of an impression on me.
In my high school guidance counselor's office when he called me in with me thinking I was going to get punished for something. Then he told me that he had copied my application to Duquesne, sent it in to Pitt and I was accepted. Guess things worked differently back in those days. He also taught at Pitt, which probably helped, and did this because he knew in advance that Pitt was becoming state-affiliated that year and tuition was dropping to very low levels. I was accepted at and was all ready to go to Duquesne.
All this talk about attendance and how to get more people to become fans got me to wonder why people became Pitt fans.

Did you attend Pitt? Did you see Pitt or a certain Pitt player play and that started it? Was it a certain game that started it? Was it because your mom, dad, or both were fans?

I became a fan in 1976 when I moved from Pennsylvania to the state of Indiana. I was homesick, missed my family and friends and when Pitt played Notre Dame that year, it just made me feel like I was home and from that point I was a huge fan.

Come from a penn state family sad to say. Attended many games at beaver stadium in the early 1980's. I was nothing more than a kid who liked football. First saw Pitt at penn state 1982. I liked the uniforms and script much more so that what the nits had. Saw the 1984 Pitt game up there as well and was hooked.

By the time Owens takes the pick six to seal the deal in 1987 I'm 100% Pitt and have not looked back ever since.

I guess when something gets shoved down your throat you rebel. I got sick of hearing about penn state and how great joe paterno was. It ended up being 100% crock. The rest is history!!!
1984. I grew up in PSU country and was brainwashed into rooting for them. I feel very dirty right now even typing that.

My older sister went away to Pitt when I was a sophomore in HS, and when she came back for Thanksgiving, she told me that Pitt would be the place for me to go to school. I took her at her word and shifted my allegiances and went to undergrad and grad school at Pitt. My sister was right too!
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1974 moved into Towers with my roommate!!! We wer both from Duquesne Pa!!! Next door to us lived Matt Cavanaugh and Larry Swider, two of the nicest guys you would ever wanted to meet!!! We wenwen to the games to support ou buddies and I GOT HOOKED CULMINATING IN WINNING THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP IN OUR SENIOR YEAR!!! HAIL TO PITT!!!!
Portage? That sounds familiar. Is that near Cambria Heights? If so, I know your pain. I went to Cambria Heights for five years and EVERYONE was a Penn State fan. It was pure torture.
I went to Northern Cambria - from Barnesboro. (They call Barnesboro/Spangler Northern Cambria now for some reason)

As far as when I became a Pitt fan...I had no choice - we had season tickets in Section 9 opposite the scoreboard since 1967...when I was 10.
From when I can first remember Pitt v. PSU in probably 1982, watching I believe Bryan Thomas (#44) running the ball. My father went to Pitt for dental school, 2 of my brothers went to Pitt for P.T. School and Dental and another for undergrad.

I did not go to Pitt, I went to Washington University In St. Louis for Law and get this WVU for undergrad, cause it was instate and my father had 6 boys to put through school, me being #6. However, I could see Mountaineer Field from my apartment window and never attended one WVU FB game nor Basketball game. I would wear a huge Pitt Parka around campus in the winter.

I have been a die hard since I can remember and it would be nice to be repaid for my agonies over the year.
1970 !!
favorite teams- Pitt because they were the home town team
and Grambling-They were on TV on Sunday (game replays and highlights).Lost Grambling but stayed with Pitt.
I wanna say it was around 1999 or 2000, keep in mind I was still really young then. I had some relatives in high school looking into Pitt. So i forget if it was when they visited during high school or the fall of 2000 when I was there to help move them into their freshmen dorms at Pitt. But anyways, the first time I visited the Pitt campus I could not even fathom why anyone would ever want to go anywhere else.

I prefer the city to begin with, so big time college campuses in rural areas did not appeal to me. I finally made it to a football game in 2002 as one of them wasn't going and as a child in middle school used their student tickets. It was the temple game, coming off a win at va tech it was the first time Pitt was ranked in years. I don't remember the exact attendance (I don't think it was a huge crowd), but it was a really lively atmosphere... against temple.

Any chance I got growing up I would go visit the campus. Just to walk around, stop at the O, etc. When I was younger I didn't neccesarily hate all of our rivals as much, but it was obvious the only team I really followed was Pitt.
This was the game my son became a Pitt fan as well.

2002. My dad took me to see Pitt host Texas A & M at Heinz Field and a young man named Fitzgerald had 100 receiving yards and I instantly became a fan. That game is a microcosm of following Pitt sports. They lost 14-12 because they had two procedure penalties on the extra point from their first TD then missed the 2-point conversion.
What was it like back then? Pitt had won their last title of eight, ten years prior. Was Pitt football thought of like Alabama and Ohio State are today?

I think it was about 1946, 1947 Pitt played Marquette and won, first game I followed Pitt on the radio. Dad was a Pitt fan and always spoke of Goldberg, Dream Backfield, Sutherland etc. Attended Catholic grade school at that time and all of my male classmates were pro ND and had man crushes on Johnny Lujack and a bit later Leon Hart.
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