I still question how Gallagher could have agreed to Stallings. It's understandable that a University leader might not know the ins and outs of college basketball, but a few minutes doing some research on his computer should have been enough to tell him that Stallings was a terrible choice. It wouldn't have been difficult.
I really don't think he had much to do with it. He has a new AD who is respected (at the time) with a basketball background. What is the point of even having an AD if the Chancellor is supposed to personally second guess all his decisions? They hired a search firm, and this was the misguided conclusion they reached. It is simple delegation. I think it was a bigger problem for Gallagher to allow Barnes to pressure Dixon and then let him walk without getting paid in return. That's all on him because I'm sure Barnes couldn't do that unilaterally.
Luckily, Pitt was able to rid itself of Barnes before things got any worse. Lyke will soon do the same with Stallings. If anything, I think the fact that Gallagher totally botched things with Barnes/Dixon/Stallings is precisely the reason that Lyke will get the funding to cut him loose so early. It isn't her fault at all, and her boss was complicit.