Whipple Resigns

Izzy for Heisman 2022. Hopefully we get someone who doesn't run trick plays at the goal line.
If I’m guessing, I believe that Salem will be the play caller for the bowl game. He is more familiar with Whipple's offense than Marion is.

In the spring, Marion will take over. The QB that Whipple visited yesterday was a duel threat QB that would work well with Marion.
Best of luck to Coach Whip. If they promote Marion to OC, I’m thinking they bring in a QB coach. Maybe they want to get started on that process before making a decision on whether or not to bring in a transfer QB?
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go spend big money and get a ringer. let that guy get his own HC gig and then promote marion if he's ready. i want a proven commodity at the P5 level.
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FWIW Marion is too good to let walk. I've heard great things about Marion.
That's why I'm thinking this could be an audition for him. I was told when he was hired that this would be Whipple's last year (it was the third year of a three year contract and it wasn't extended). He wanted to retire, but Kenny was coming back and really wanted Whipple again. Marion was hired with the idea he would take over. I know a few people who know things and this is what I was told last year. We will see if it's true.
Maybe. Narduzzi doesn't seem like a pass-happy guy, but he was okay with it for one year because of Pickett.

Or maybe Whipple is just tired of the grind and felt like winning the ACC was the goal. Why spend the next few weeks preparing for an exhibition game when you can be with the family for Christmas.
That's what I'm doing. I gave enough of flesh lol.
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That's why I'm thinking this could be an audition for him. I was told when he was hired that this would be Whipple's last year (it was the third year of a three year contract and it wasn't extended). He wanted to retire, but Kenny was coming back and really wanted Whipple again. Marion was hired with the idea he would take over. I know a few people who know things and this is what I was told last year. We will see if it's true.
The wr's were much improved under Marion. I've heard the same things H2P!!!
Hope we hire a proven OC with big time experience.

Someone that has produced and not been personally fired. Someone that got tossed in a coaching change.
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It’s going to be Marion
Like I said, that's what I was told was the plan when they brought him in. I don't know everything nor everyone at Pitt, but I know a few who said that to me. We'll see. By the way, the same person told me two days before we got invited to the ACC that was on. He also told me we were hiring Chryst and Narduzzi before they happened.
If I’m guessing, I believe that Salem will be the play caller for the bowl game. He is more familiar with Whipple's offense than Marion is.

In the spring, Marion will take over. The QB that Whipple visited yesterday was a duel threat QB that would work well with Marion.
Hubbard? Whipple didn't just visit him, he offered him on the spot. You can scratch him off the list.

Pitt just went from being a premium destination for a top QB transfer to zero in about 2 seconds. The sales pitch was what Whip did with KP. From zero to hero. Now there's nothing to pitch.

This is a really bad development. It could potentially have ripple effects on some of the other important skill position players.
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Hubbard? Whipple didn't just visit him, he offered him on the spot. You can scratch him off the list.

Pitt just went from being a premium destination for a top QB transfer to zero in about 2 seconds. The sales pitch was what Whip did with KP. From zero to hero. Now there's nothing to pitch.

This is a really bad development. It could potentially have ripple effects on some of the other important skill position players.
Whipple wasn't coming back next season, regardless. His contract was up and he didn't want to extend it because he wanted to retire.
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If I’m guessing, I believe that Salem will be the play caller for the bowl game. He is more familiar with Whipple's offense than Marion is.

In the spring, Marion will take over. The QB that Whipple visited yesterday was a duel threat QB that would work well with Marion.
Adding Kasperowicz as the QB coach makes too much sense.
Best of luck to Coach Whip. If they promote Marion to OC, I’m thinking they bring in a QB coach. Maybe they want to get started on that process before making a decision on whether or not to bring in a transfer QB?
That’s the problem. Nobody really has any idea because there isn’t a body of work to base it on.

Let some G5 school be his training ground.
He was OC at Howard and William & Mary. None of those teams won anything but that's not necessarily an indictment of scheme or play calling. Would seem like Salem would be have had more experience with some success in the G5.
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Didn’t like Whipple. I’m not going to all of sudden act like the sky is falling.

I’m also not on board with Marion though. We could probably do better.
You didn't like 43 PPG, 500 YPG, 4400 passing yards and 68 offensive TDs?

I don't know what to tell you then, other than be careful what you wish for. We have seen this movie before.
He was OC at Howard and William & Mary. None of those teams won anything but that's not necessarily an indictment of scheme or play calling. Would seem like Salem would be have had more experience with some success in the G5.

Yeah. I’m not saying he’s a bad hire. I’m just saying that nobody knows either way because the body of work just isn’t there.

And that’s not the hire I want.

Also, I like tempo. But I also think we missed the era of “go-go” by a few years. Is there something more to his offense than they play fast? Because damn near everybody plays fast now.
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You didn't like 43 PPG, 500 YPG, 4400 passing yards and 68 offensive TDs?

I don't know what to tell you then, other than be careful what you wish for. We have seen this movie before.

I think this season was great. But LSU’s OC had the greatest offense in the history of football a couple of years. Would you want to hire him?
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Thanks Mrs. Marion.

It might be that Whipple is leaving at this time so Marion can have a trial run and prove what he can do in the bowl before a final decision is made.
The bowl game won't be proof of anything with regard to whoever serves as OC.