Whitehill in Portall

Im guessing Cooley would beat him out for HWT next year anyhow but that kills the depth because Slinger was highly disappointing once we got to ACC matches
Thanks for the reply
Makes sense. He was nowhere near Cooley, who will still be a freshman next year. If Whitehill wants to start anytime soon, transferring down a step is the best decision.
Needs to be good weight. Other Than Wenzel it seems alot of our men should be building some core strength.
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Wasn’t he injured all year??? I’m so confused here...
rumoer was he was injured all year. but there is never any information on wrestling to know the truth.
That is pretty darn disappointing. Not surprising though considering the book on him coming out of HS
I don’t know if anyone watched the Pittsburgh Wrestling Classic but Enrique Mungia at 160 looked dominant. Maybe he wanted to stay close to home but he sure would look good in a Pitt singlet coming behind Wentzel when he graduates. And he comes from the same school as Mick Burnett, can’t believe we couldn’t beat out Kent State.
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we’re definitely expecting to add some impact transfers. A couple would be huge gets, but nothing is a done deal yet.
Do you think we will hear some news in the next couple weeks regarding these transfers?
at this point I would expect to hear something this week, hopefully no later than next. We’re in the final 2 or 3 for a two that that would be huge additions.
Don’t let Capel near them ;)
There is an AA with three years of eligibility left who just started following HCKG on twitter. I haven't seen anything about him being in the portal.
Love to see some portal signings. Two AA puts pitt on a upswing. damn our olympic sports are pulling thru also
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