Why doesn't Pitt have open BOT elections?

I don't believe so. As far as I know, each of the state-related universities has a different governing structure and a different method of selecting members of the governing board. I know Temple has X number of seats on its BOT alloted to alumni (which is how Cosby got on the board), but come to think of it, I can't recall the last time I've seen a ballot.
If having BOT elections enable someone like Jay Paterno to get elected, then no thank you!

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Pitt doesn't have open elections for their BOT because the people making the rules at Pitt aren't nearly as stupid as the people who make the rules at Penn State.
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Pitt doesn't have open elections for their BOT because the people making the rules at Pitt aren't nearly as stupid as the people who make the rules at Penn State.
Yeah, it sounds as though the UPS Trustees run for their positions as "single position candidates" depending on the Hot Topic du Jour.
Yeah, it sounds as though the UPS Trustees run for their positions as "single position candidates" depending on the Hot Topic du Jour.

For the past six or seven years the people getting elected ran on the position that the guy who thought that football was more important than protecting kids got railroaded when he was fired as the full extent of his depravity started to become known. Because so few people actually vote it was easy for the batshit crazy faction of people like Lubrano to win and to get like minded morons elected as well.
Pitt doesn't have open elections for their BOT because the people making the rules at Pitt aren't nearly as stupid as the people who make the rules at Penn State.

While TRUE, there are no legal requirements. Each institution is governed by their own by-laws.
It would be better if they did, maybe they could get someone who'd advocate for win at any cost sports.
While TRUE, there are no legal requirements. Each institution is governed by their own by-laws.

Right, and the people who wrote the bylaws for the Pitt BOT obviously aren't as dumb as the ones who wrote them for the PSU BOT, because the people who wrote them for the PSU BOT seemed to never consider that doing it the way that they do would allow a bunch of lunatics to elect people who are completely divorced from reality.
Thank god we don't have this system. Pitt fans aren't insane like the Nitters are. But there are always a few; the thought of even one clown running for a seat on the BOT campaigning with a cardboard cutout of Wanny should stop anyone from ever wishing for such a thing.
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