This entire thing is just asinine. This is why the NCAA is a joke. I really don't see an issue if a school sends someone, any one, to a future opponents game to watch what happens on the sidelines in regards to "stealing signs" from a team. To me, that is the sign of a good head coach (or program) to think that far ahead to try to his team an advantage. It isn't "stealing" if you are giving the signals in a public forum and someone else is smart enough to figure them out on their own. Just about every team has 4 or 5 guys on the sidelines doing all sorts of hand signals OR they have those goofy sings that have 9 different figures on them and show them to the QB before every play. If you don't want an opponent to figure them out, get better at keeping them concealed. Everyone in the stadium has a cellphone with a camera in it, the rule needs to be removed, it is not 1980 any more. Look, I am not a Michigan fan, don't really care for Harbaugh either, but I don't think that he or his staff did anything wrong.