Honest question about Narduzzi

Is anyone else growing tired of Narduzzi? I say this knowing that he’s been great for Pitt in terms of stability, consistency, and an ACC Championship, but I’ve honestly grown tired of his act. From him whining to the media, to giving his opinion about others like Deion Sanders and USC, it’s all just a bad look. Add to that, his inexcusable losses that happen every year, and while I’m not advocating they get rid of Narduzzi, but I think questions have to be asked. I think it’s also fair to question why he battles and hates successful offensive coordinators. It’s hard to argue Pitt’s offense had incredible success with Matt Canada and Mark Whipple, but Narduzzi threw shade at both long after they left. For the folks who like Narduzzi, I’m sure that 6-6, 7-5 and occasional 8-4 are perfectly fine for you. But 2021 gave us a taste of what this program could be.
Why past growing tired of his act. Egotistical asswipe who if Pitt fired wouldn't get another Power 5 HC .His undisciplined cocky attitude transfers to his players and the results speak for themselves
You guys spend a lot of time giving these high level generalizations around “system” and “approach”.

But it’s talent first.

And outside of Covid allowing some great tenure at certain positions, it doesn’t go deep enough. I’m not sure there is another program that produces this many NFL (and high level NFL) players, but not the depth of talent to be an elite program.

And it looks like our luck ran out a little this year because we don’t have those 3 to 4 real playmakers on each side of the ball. Which is sad because those players would have been recruited while watching this team stay near the top of the ACC for 2 years.

Coach PN has done a respectable job. But it’s always going to be a cycle due to all the limitations we talk about here. These next couple years were going to be important because if you can keep stacking good years, that can help transform interest, game day environment, etc. But he missed somewhere in terms of loading up talent.

The time to move on is coming in the next year or two. But we need a dynamic up and coming coach to elevate overall talent.
Most kids drafted from an ACC over the last 3 years:

Pitt: 14
Clemson: 13
UNC: 13
VT: 9
Miami: 8
FSU: 6
Wake: 5
Lousiville: 5
NC State: 4
Cuse: 4
BC: 4
GT: 4
Duke: 4
UVA: 2

I guess he can spot talent and develop them so he couldn’t be that bad? Unless you’re using another measurement?

This is a good illustration of my points above.

1) High level talent is typically found in this program

2) Depth of talent to be elite is not

3) That high level talent isn’t there this year, and the depth isn’t there to be good.
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I think most would agree the ceiling for this years team is 4 or 5 wins, and realistically probably 3 wins. If we don’t beat VT this week (and that’s no sure thing) we could be looking at 2-10 or yikes 1-11.
Having said that, what do we have that suddenly makes us an 8-4 team next year?
As bad as this year is, I don’t see a bunch of talented Freshmen and Sophomores ready to make next year an 8-4 team. A year like this certainly won’t help recruiting either. HCPN deservedly is not on the hot seat. But if we go 3-9 this year, and 5-7 next year, he should be. And if he acts like a jerk in interviews all season and we go something like 2-10, that seat should be hot sooner.
I can’t remember ever hearing of a coach fired over interviews.

So I’m not sure why people spend so much time talking about it.

Wins? Losses? Yes absolutely

But interview demeanor?

Come on
Because he is representing the University and acts like a punk. And continuously writes checks with his mouth that he and his players can't cash.
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I think most would agree the ceiling for this years team is 4 or 5 wins, and realistically probably 3 wins. If we don’t beat VT this week (and that’s no sure thing) we could be looking at 2-10 or yikes 1-11.
Having said that, what do we have that suddenly makes us an 8-4 team next year?
As bad as this year is, I don’t see a bunch of talented Freshmen and Sophomores ready to make next year an 8-4 team. A year like this certainly won’t help recruiting either. HCPN deservedly is not on the hot seat. But if we go 3-9 this year, and 5-7 next year, he should be. And if he acts like a jerk in interviews all season and we go something like 2-10, that seat should be hot sooner.
That fluke championship in 2021 bought the program another decade of sh1t play with zero accountability. Unless there’s some quote unquote “unacceptable” word he might say to the press or some other random offfield scandal, they don’t care about what happens otherwise. As long as the conference is intact and the checks are the same it’s all good to our great dames.
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Unfortunately no because mediocrity and crass behavior is accepted by yourself and others.
Or maybe it’s because I can keep it in perspective

Being a bit of a blowhard isn’t a crime… dude isn’t being defended by fans because he’s getting multiple DUIs or covering players getting into legal trouble

His employment is based on WL records and running a clean program. No matter what pittsburgh media pearl clutching says
Or maybe it’s because I can keep it in perspective

Being a bit of a blowhard isn’t a crime… dude isn’t being defended by fans because he’s getting multiple DUIs or covering players getting into legal trouble

His employment is based on WL records and running a clean program. No matter what pittsburgh media pearl clutching says
I couldn't care less what the media says I personally don't care for arrogance and fake tough guy bs especially when it can't be backed up
I couldn't care less what the media says I personally don't care for arrogance and fake tough guy bs especially when it can't be backed up
Yeah but pretending they don’t amplify the controversy & make mountains out of molehills ??… rinse and repeat

We just lived thru 2 weeks of Jurkovec nonsense for his ill advised remarks … it just dumb… almost unbelievable how much it blew up.

My view is definitely do your talking on the the field always….having said that there’s too much hypertension and indigestion over dumb talk…
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Beyond anything else, this is what I just absolutely never got about the love affair with Narduzzi and for that matter Wanny, especially when you consider how much the fanbase seemed to hate Walt and Chryst.

Wanny had the worst three year stretch this century, and then couldn't win what was essentially the American as he got slapped around by Brian Kelly despite having massively superior talent. Much like Pat there were the same complaints, a boring, archaic offense.

Pat started off well going 8-4 but mainly built around the OL and RB's recruited by the previous staff. The defense which was supposed to be his specialty was horrific at first, probably worse than it should have been given the talent playing at the time, and honestly kept an 8-4 team in 2016 from being 10-2 or better. Then those initial holdovers on offense went away and for four years it was a total poop sandwich.

Then Pat has one amazing year, built on an offense that scored and scored fast. We win the ACC. So what does he do, hires a dude that wants to limit the offense. 2021 is ok, but the schedule is tissue soft, we lose a couple really awful games and go 8-4 when we should have never gone less than 10-2, and now this year it all falls apart.

Overall, he has been mediocre, has had awful offenses, and his defenses while often good tend to get blown up at awful times. He had one really good year which at this point is a fluke.

The only reason I can figure why people like Narduzzi and Dave so much is because they are essentially both yinzers or that it is an old fanbase that likes the ground and pahnd bs, and I certainly can't figure why they get held up on such a high level compared to Walt who had to go up against historically great Miami teams and VT teams that were outstanding, not to mention syracuse and BC programs that weren't terrible at the time.
Great points. Dave should have finished by beating WVU and Cincy and probably losing to Florida in 2009.
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You think he’s getting fired over that?

Lol 😂
At Pitt if he were to say something like “thug” again, he’d be gone this time, even if it were the eve of the NC game.

At schools with proper priorities and perspective, no. At Pitt, yes. Not even a question anymore.

It’s mentally challenged to think doing that would be correct, but that’s where we are now.