UVA game thread

I think the inside jersey holds don't get called as much. Those probably happen frequently. But when a guy reaches and the jersey pulls away that's gotta be called. But again I'll take it.
Absolutely. The inside jersey holds have been ignored since forever. As much as the Ohio State jersey hold has..
Still would've liked the earlier FG. 17 point leads are never bad in the second half. 14 points, I'm not counting this as a sure thing yet... not even close.
And like I said earlier... halftime couldn't come soon enough. Amazing the adjustments this staff always seems to make. If there were no halftime I'm not so sure UVA wouldn't have 70 points right now. But yeah, I guess Narduzzi doesn't deserve credit for that...
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Pass? How about a jet sweep to Henderson? It works in the 2nd half too.

You're right. We've run the jet, what, 100 times this season and lost yards maybe 3 or 4 times.
That play is worth 2+ yards every time we use it. Nobody's letting us break it but they can't stuff it.
Hahahaha... are these announcers UVA grads? He clearly just slid at the end to make it look like he was hit out of bounds.
Finally putting in some blitz packages to take some pressure off the secondary. seems like we haven't seen that since early last year.
HAHAHAHA! What an idiot... the game was not over until that happened.
The defense has been pretty stout I feel since they scored early in the second qtr. 2 1/2 solid quarters of defense along with just a timely offensive performance. Great win if they hold on.
Well we could be NC state and throw a walk off interception on our first OT play. So close to taking down #3
Thank God the replay officials aren't as stupid as these people. Would've been ridiculous to delay the game when the ref was literally right there staring at his foot.