Whipple Resigns

You apparently don't even know who installed and ran the offense at LSU in 2019. Meaning you don't follow college football very closely and really don't know what you're talking about.

And if you don't understand the difference between selling a high level QB transfer on what one coach, Whipple, was able to do for one quarterback, Pickett, from one season to the next, versus what Pitt was selling transfer QBs before that, I don't know what more to tell you.

why you coming at me with that language, dude? don't act like a d!ck. it's just message board opinion. and let me retort.

oh, i know what he did at LSU. would it have worked if he had lesser talent? he got a promotion to the NFL and didn't last two seasons. i'm not saying he didn't have a great season in 2019. but that's a very small sample size. and if you don't understand basic statistics, "you don't follow college football very closely and really don't know what you're talking about." ed orgeron was the HC - was he brilliant? why did he regress to the mean after those great players left?

other coaches could easily say that KP was an outlier. we bring in an OC who has good experience and sell playing under narduzzi. whipple didn't recruit KP. PN picked up nate and got him to the NFL w/out whipple, right? i'd agree that it would be better to have whipple to recruit a transfer but i also don't think it's earth shattering. PN is no stranger to recruiting QB transfers. and who knows if we even take a QB transfer.
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Good. He did not develop Pickett and was a hindrance. He likely cost Pitt going 12-0 this year. Canada would have been 12-0 and not lost to WMU or Miami. And no this is not sarcasm. I really did not like Whipple. I hope I don't eat the grass is greener metaphor, but such is life. Hopefully Narduzzi can bring in someone better given recent success.
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That’s my point. Bad to average OCs can have one magical season. It doesn’t make them good.
Wait--what is your point? As I said, Joe Brady came in and installed, coached and ran that offense that one year only. Then he was gone. He had the exact same players Emsminger did the year before. Emsminger literally had nothing to do with it.
Whipple’s one season of anything above a “bad” offense at Pitt came with an insane talent at QB, playing like an insane talent at QB.
That "insane talent" was there for 5 years and looked anything but "insanely talented" before this year.
I mean outside of Pitt games, between the kickoff and the final gun, I HATE COLLEGE FOOTBALL, IT'S STUPID in every way imaginable! Eye test champions, players skipping games to not get hurt, coaches can't wait until the season ends to change teams. And I don't care about the reasoning behind it, IT'S ALL STUPID! Actual games are fun to watch sometimes, but everything peripheral to it is STUPID. No other sport has the stupid things CFB has.
Lolol. Which actually makes it even more addicting. But you are 100% correct.
Not coaching in the bowl game is a bush league move for Whipple, IMHO.

Oh well. Kenny's legs will be fresher for his next fake slide since he won't have to walk to the sideline after every play......
His wife is very sick. This precipitated the resignation . This has been rumored for weeks . Coach Marion will move right in
I don't want give this post a like, because I don't like his wife being very sick. But it seems to make the most sense.

Whipple didn't travel to Nebraska, Frost didn't come to Pittsburgh. It sounds like Whipple went home to Arizona, and made an offer to a nearby Pitt target. Maybe Frost went there to try to lure him to Nebraska, maybe to be OC, but maybe to be a consultant or part-time QB coach. Anything is possible, though.
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Not coaching in the bowl game is a bush league move for Whipple, IMHO.

Oh well. Kenny's legs will be fresher for his next fake slide since he won't have to walk to the sideline after every play......

That's a common time to job hop. There have been coordinators skip town before National Title games.
I don't want give this post a like, because I don't like his wife being very sick. But it seems to make the most sense.

Whipple didn't travel to Nebraska, Frost didn't come to Pittsburgh. It sounds like Whipple went home to Arizona, and made an offer to a nearby Pitt target. Maybe Frost went there to try to lure him to Nebraska, maybe to be OC, but maybe to be a consultant or part-time QB coach. Anything is possible, though.
And though I know nothing, I believe his wife may indeed be very sick. Whipple just seemed to me to have a very subdued demeanor about him. I don't know whether he has always been that way.
I know the receivers were MUCH better from last year regarding reducing drops and increasing catches and yards. I know he helped out Whipple quite a bit this season, which helped Kenny play better (because of the WR play) and become a Heisman finalist, Addison doubled his yards and became a Biletnikoff Finalist, and we averaged over 43 points per game. You don't think Marion's coaching the WRs and helping open up the offense helped? The top 5 receivers last year had 1953 yards total. The top 3 this season had 2594.
Please zap don't confuse some of these chicken littles with facts they know nothing
Whipple was a big part of Pitt's success this year. I wish him the best moving forward.

While I like Marion's potential, Pitt needs to do a thorough search for its next OC. If Narduzzi believes he's the best fit moving forward, excellent. I do hope they bring in quality candidates during the interview process.
I like the idea of giving it to Marion. Also like the idea of giving him the reigns for the bowl as a trial.
Hubbard? Whipple didn't just visit him, he offered him on the spot. You can scratch him off the list.

Pitt just went from being a premium destination for a top QB transfer to zero in about 2 seconds. The sales pitch was what Whip did with KP. From zero to hero. Now there's nothing to pitch.

This is a really bad development. It could potentially have ripple effects on some of the other important skill position players.
You went full SMF... everyone knows you never go full SMF...
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Initial reaction?? I’m not totally psyched about this news…

we will see

but it kind of makes that whole “get a QB through the portal “ kind of …eh? Difficult?
Not really,I’m sure PN knows who will be the guy
I like the idea of giving it to Marion. Also like the idea of giving him the reigns for the bowl as a trial.
I like the idea of an experienced OC, who might also bring along A WR coach that would upgrade that position.
I like the idea of an experienced OC, who might also bring along A WR coach that would upgrade that position.

Cant disagree with you there. That would be terrific as well. I just think money wise, get some go getters more cheap. I am sure Marion knows a few to back fill too.
Remember when we sucked and people mentioned that if people were being plucked from our program it was a sign of success???

Guess what? Success. That's a good thing. Our OC job is also more attractive to other good coaches now.
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The Whipple resignation has moved the betting line in the peach bowl. Lots of people thinking this will impact KP decision to play.
Hubbard? Whipple didn't just visit him, he offered him on the spot. You can scratch him off the list.

Pitt just went from being a premium destination for a top QB transfer to zero in about 2 seconds. The sales pitch was what Whip did with KP. From zero to hero. Now there's nothing to pitch.

This is a really bad development. It could potentially have ripple effects on some of the other important skill position players.
I agree with this hands down. Yeah we’ll hire or promote a new OC and be ok in the long run assuming we make a good choice, but I don’t know how anyone can say we don’t take an immediate short term hit w/r to the bump in interest, particularly among transfers, that would have been expected because of this year’s successes.
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What has he accomplish? Where has he accomplished it?

You think he has a resume meriting consideration, never mind hire?
Are you unaware of how much the offenses improved at William & Mary and Howard when he became OC? You didn't see the improvement in Pitt's receivers this year? Do you think Whipple made Pickett, while he had no role in Addison's development.

I didn't express any love for hiring Marion, but you registered your distinct disdain for it. I think both views are ridiculous. You give a guy a chance or you don't, but I don't get emotional about it.
Are you unaware of how much the offenses improved at William & Mary and Howard when he became OC? You didn't see the improvement in Pitt's receivers this year? Do you think Whipple made Pickett, while he had no role in Addison's development.

I didn't express any love for hiring Marion, but you registered your distinct disdain for it. I think both views are ridiculous. You give a guy a chance or you don't, but I don't get emotional about it.
William & Mary and Howard? Long, successful runs there?

Well in that case, by all means, hire him.
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