#7 was nothing better than average his first year…he was surrounded by great talent, talent that dwarfed the garbage which surrounded Pickett on both sides of THE ball. And contrary to what you say, it makes perfect sense to refer to the Diva and Bradshaw in discussing the Pickett situation because your memory is tainted by your yinzer perspective and completely overlooks the struggles these other QBs experienced early on…do you remember Hanratty and Gilliam….doesn’t appear so.
he was surrounded by a great team, and an even better run game. Ben had that luxury, a perfect situation for a rookie qb. Steelers asked very little of him his rookie year, especially with us having the early lead and running the clock out in the second half. I wont dispute that..
BUT, there were 2 regular season games in his rookie year where they absolutely gave him the ball (cliche alert) and he dominated. The dallas game and the giants game, both away games, where he had huge games. i want to say he threw for well over 350 both games (Without looking it up)..
So your point is valid but there were signs early and ben delivered. i dont even know what we were talking about again. Kenny?? meh, whatever, it's in the past. steelers have much bigger issues than what was said behind closed doors in 2022 to kenny freakin pickett.
Hanratty and GIlliam were before my time. But i know gilliam had the job but him doing heroine during the season was an issue. Chuck and Art even said as much, he would have absolutely been the starter in 74 i think but drugs will kill you, figuratively and literally.
but dude, those days are gone. Yeah, brad sucked for his first 4 years, no argument there. but back then you gave your qb years to develop, those days are long gone..