The notion that a college baseball team can't properly prepare for the draft is laughable. There are teams that lose far more and far better players to the draft than Pitt does every single year, and yet somehow they manage to figure it out. All you need to know to understand why Pitt seems to get "screwed" by the draft more than teams that lose far more and far better players than Pitt was the case of Charles Leblanc. Half way through that great sophomore season that he had I said right here on this board that one problem from his great season is that he was almost certainly eligible for that summer's MLB draft, and that he was almost certainly going to be a high draft pick, which would mean that he was probably going to turn pro at the end of the season. And yet how many times in the year after that did Jordano use as one of his excuses for why Pitt was having a bad season that they lost Leblanc when no one thought that they would? A dozen? More? The fact that he, as the manager of a major conference baseball team, had no idea, absolutely no idea at all, which of his players was draft eligible and which of his players weren't is inexcusable. You can't give him a pass on not being ready for guys getting drafted when he doesn't seem to know who is eligible to be drafted and who isn't, and you can't give him a pass for failing to anticipate something that happens in literally most seasons that he's been a manager. The way Pitt seems so chronically unprepared for something that happens every year isn't an excuse, it's incompetence.
Not to mention.. It's not like Leblanc went in the 21st round, or somewhere where you could expect him to maybe come back--he was a 4th rounder... The kid LEAD THE ACC in hitting during a draft eligible year and we were "shocked," he got drafted.
My biggest gripe is the excuse making and acting like it takes an absolute miracle to win 30 games at Pitt...