Agree, you are spot and wise as well on knowing some coming trends. What I learned in Silicon Valley and at the Stanford Hoover Institute in December.....Big Stadium like Big Campuses are Big Dinosaurs with Dying Baby Boomers pretty much dying away everyday much like the subscribers of ESPN.
This is why one has to laugh but I do not mock some other Posters on WVU, PSU, and USC Blogs claiming Fans win games in the Stands. They just have small brains not seeing the future and being boastful but have no idea that era is ending and your post describes and defines a foretaste of the future athletics and eduucation.
Two more points that shows Athletic Departments are preparing for it.
1. Stadium Size No Longer Matters & Costly Burdens:
In the late 1980s there was talk among Penn State Alumni (The Smart Ones Not Cult Dolts) of building the World's Largest Stadium of 125,000. The demand was there but then North Korea open a 150,000 Size Stadium in 1989. I mean North Korea??? Few know it, but North Koreans are 3 to 6 inches smaller than South Koreans and weigh almost 25 to 40 lbs less. Due to how they can't even eat and nourish themselves but are Boastful and Proud of their Largest Stadium in the World that most never see or attend as they worry about just feeding themselves? The remainder of 8 of 10 Biggest Stadiums are in USA right now.
As you are pointing out as Internet & Communications Technology grew it was realized Bigger Stadiums are really not used often and costly to maintain but real problems is the fixed costs before, on, and after game day. If attendance does not show say by 5,000 or 10,000 even if tickets sold, big time losses, because security, concessions, programs, and much manpower must still be there regardless. Thus, to be more concise Stadiums are getting smaller and must be designed to be used every day on Academics, Tourism, Local Community Events and why Penn State is enclosing and reducing capacity on renovations. Just the opposite as planned in 1980-90s.
Stanford went from 89,000 to 50,000 with far better sounds for future TV Production as you pointed out. They still want CFB Atmosphere but know those numbers can be at 35,000 to 50,000, no longer need 70,000 and up. What is more important is the Stanford Luxury Suites bought by Sponsors, Boosters, and Alumni and they are their guest are treated as Royalty. This actually makes far more in Profits than anyone game sold out. Stanford is really a small school of only 7,000 undergrads students and have more employees but it has one of largest campus size and endowments. They put the money into Sound, Video, & Luxury Suites not the Stadium Seats that all are one just one size!
Therefore, smaller and every day use is the Future of New & Renovated Stadiums with more VIPs and less Attendance that will actually be more practical and profitable.
2. Broadcasting Cost Far More Smaller & Far More Profitable:
The Second Big Change for College Football is what you described and that is being worked on as we blog, with much competition, and new models, that technology can change almost every 2 to 3 years, not 10 anymore? I won't go into those details because Posters already hate my long posts and we all want to discuss more Football. Therefore, right there proves it, even rival's Bloggers want to know and discuss about Coaches, Recruits, Players, Training, Depth Charts, Schedules, Games, and do it everyday, Just like we Agreed it is about the "GAME" and those playing and coaching them. ESPN is trying to figure it out, but in reality, they will be bought up, changed, and someone smarter will do it, like you said and at far less costs but way more money to keep at the end of each day, and every day, not just on Game Day!
Good Post by you and far more concise and only a few know what you are saying but our Lair Posters know far more than most, and just like some Lame Fans and Cult Dolts that are drunk or get drunk in the stands, one does not want to sit by them, let alone listen to them when the only thing they have in common is believing like North Koreans, Bigger Is Better, & they think they Win somehow that way, when it is actually those that play the Game, not them in anyway! Smart Beats Dumb!
This is why the Lair Attracts Smarter Posters from other Programs that come here to argue, discuss, and exchange with all to Share what we read and learn together!
Thank You for proving it!