The funny thing is that you actually probably believe this BS is true. OK, now for some real numbers from Disney for last year.
Disney's cable tv unit, which gets almost all of it's profit from the ESPN networks, made $864 million last year. That's not the gross, that's the net. That's not a loss, that's the profit. Last year Disney made more money on television (again, almost entirely off the back of ESPN) than they did with their film division. They made more money on television than they did on consumer products (that's all the Disney stuff they sell on line and in stores). The only division of Disney that made more money last year than their television unit was the theme parks. Which is kinda funny, because it wasn't all that long ago that everyone thought that it was the theme park business that was going to drag Disney down.
But in any event, if you don't think that Disney thinks that $864 million profit is a significant contributor to the bottom line then you are simply nuts. The reason that Disney is so interested in making cuts at ESPN is because for years ESPN was the cash cow that made most of the money for Disney, and Disney wants to keep milking the cow. ESPN is in no danger of actually losing money any time soon.