Local recruits aren't leaving because they don't like our city, or fall in love with scintillating places like South Bend IN or State College PA or Morgantown WV.
There's tremendous negativity within the region, caused by nearly 40 years (and counting) of disappointment, other than a couple BE basketball seasons of noterrible.
Pitt can only reverse this by investing adequately to take a major step up in either or both major sports (football would better since WPA is football-mad, but basketball is likely more realistic). The occasional 8 wins among a slew of 6-6 seasons (often with tragi-comic losses along the way), and squeaking into the bottom of the NCAA tourney in March only to get repeatedly chased out in the first weekend, are not enough.
Pitt has had decent success for sure at times, and in places like the middle of PA or states with no pro sports (that don't suck, anyway), no doubt we'd fare better in perception. But here, major college sports are seen on the same level as pro sports, whether naivitists or deluders refuse to accept this. Pitt is compared to the Steelers in fall (not to mention WVU, Ohio State, ND, PSU) and to the Penguins in winter as far as success. Those programs are all much more committed to winning, and results have shown such. So, reversing negativity in WPA will take championship runs. It may not be the "mission" of the university, but if it wants sports to augment (rather than denigrate) the university profile and coffers, it needs more commitment up front. But be assured that with success, locals will beat our door down, and that includes local recruits too.